
My 8 month old keeps rubbing his ears..?

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my son keeps rubbing his ears and sometimes he cries. this happens especially when he's eating his beechnut baby food.

i was thinking its probably ear infection but there are no other symptoms.

any motherly avdvice or experience?




  1. Is he teething? My daughter does that and the doctor said it was just her teething. Call your doctor if you're worried.

  2. Ear infection or teething.  They often rub their ears if they are teething because the nerve that goes to the teeth runs by the ear.

  3. Sounds like an ear infection but it could be nothing.  Maybe call dr or just keep an eye on him.

  4. Many babies do this when they are simply tired, worn out, or overstimulated. It is not necessarily a sign of an ear infection, although it would be a good idea to rule that out. It could also be that he's discovered that he has these cool, bendable flaps of skin on the sides of his head....Good luck.  

  5. It very well could be an ear infection. Have it checked out by the doctor, it may take an antibiotic to get rid of .  

  6. You can never be too careful when it comes to your babies ears.  

    If he does not have a fever, let it be. Keep checking it, and make an appt with his doctor just to be sure!

    Good luck!

  7. GO to doctor we are not that intellegent to tell ya..

  8. It sounds like an ear infection to me, especially if he is crying.  Although, my daughter is always pulling at her ears, and I brought her to the doctor numerous times after it (first time mom, scared of her having an ear infection...I did a lot when I was young).  Everytime they said her ears were fine then I started noticing she was also doing it when she was tired.  Just a suggestion.  I would definatly call the doctor about it, it will help ease your mind.

  9. I would say ear infection or teething more than likely.  If he isn't running a fever that still doesn't mean he doesn't have an ear infection, so I would definitely get it checked out.  The first time my son did this he had no fever, but he ended up having an ear infection.  Then he started rubbing his ears a lot a couple of months later, and it was teething.  He actually rubs them more when he is teething than when he had the ear infection.  Good luck!

  10. sounds like an ear infection but if he's not crying much it may be mild. take him to the doctor to be sure. if it is they'll give his some drops to make it better before it gets worse.

  11. I would call the doctor. It could be an ear infection or it could be a mild allergy to the baby food. You have tubes in your ears that drain into your throat (why your throat hurts with an ear infection). These are also what pop when you fly in an airplane so it could be that from chewing/sucking his tubes are not opening up so they feel uncomfortable and he is rubbing his ears to try to get that full feeling out of his ears.  

  12. Could be an ear infection.

    Could be allergies making inside his ears itch.  Try writing down when he rubs his ears and what he's eating when he does it. You can try eliminating the foods and re-introducing them one by one to see if a certain food causes the reaction.

    Well, and this sounds silly, but my dd did that because her hair needed cut. She had little curls of hair that wrapped around her ears. I (sadly!) trimmed them away and she quit rubbing her ears.  

  13. He could have an ear infection, or he could be teething early.

    Try rubbing a little anbesol on his gums (the one made for babies) and see if that relieves him.  If a tooth is coming in, you might be able to feel it through his gums, with your finger.  

    If he doesn't stop rubbing his ears be sure to get him in to see the pediatrician.

  14. take him to the doctors as soon as possible because it could be that he has food allergies to the beechnut baby food. does he do it with one certain kind more than others? tell his doctor those things and note what he eats and what kind and the reaction after he eats this will help determine if that may be what it is.

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