
My 8 month old son has 2 teeth and they really bother him what can i do Help?

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My 8 month old son has 2 teeth and they really bother him what can i do Help?




  1. teething gel helps and baby panadol ( I live in australia, I think the USA called panadol tylanol)   teething rings help has well.

  2. Teething rings or you could put a washcloth soaked in juice or water and pop it in the fridge for about 15 mins and then let him chew on it.  

  3. go to wal mart in the baby section the have stuff called teething tablets the are all natural and they help a lot

  4. if he takes a paci, put orajel on his paci, and then put it in his mouth.  the 2 together will soothe him.  if not jus the orajel, or a frozen teeting cooke, the gerber ones.  or a frozen ring for him to chew on.

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