
My 8 week old baby is very greedy and nothing fills him would it harm him if i gave him baby food so early?

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My 8 week old baby is very greedy and nothing fills him would it harm him if i gave him baby food so early?




  1. GREEDY??? Honey... It's an infant. They are hungry and fussy. You can give your baby allergy problems or obese problems if you feed them baby food so early.

  2. GREEDY? Honey, he is hungry!! Let the boy eat! You will know if he is getting too much (he will spit it all back up). You can give a baby cereal at an early age, but it doesn't really help because they spit out more than they take in, and they can't put two and two together (spoon=full timmy) like they can a bottle or breast.

  3. I gave my baby girl ceral in her bottle when she was 2 1/2 months old.  I would wait to give baby food though. Good Luck.

  4. Yes it can do harm giving him baby food this early, the best time to start weaning him onto food is 5-6months. Giving him food too early can course problems with his digestive system.

    Hope this helps

  5. Hello? GREEDY is not the right word. The word you should be using is "hungry" "newborn" or "typical".

    Don't give your baby anything other than formula/breast milk until your doctor okays it. This will typically be between 4-6 months. Some doctors recommend rice cereal before this point, but it is most often for reflux reasons.

    An 8 week old baby won't be able to swallow anything too thick - that mechanism is literally not developed enough yet.  

  6. just let him eat his milk until hes satisfied. babies usually go through growth spurts around 8 weeks old ad at this time they tend to eat more and sleep more.

  7. R U SERIOUS!!!!!

  8. I have a 7month old and she was the same way and i started putting a couple of tea spoons full of baby cereal in her bottel and she has been sleeping through the night ever since it is great.  

  9. "Greedy" is a very strange and incorrect description of any 8 wk old baby. His brain has not developed enough yet to be able to display this personality. He is not greedy, he is hungry! He is growing and babies grow at different rates. You do not say how often you are feeding him, whether you are breast feeding or not. But the best thing is to feed him on demand, when he is hungry, not on a time schedule. You will find that he will go through many different stages. He will want to feed more often for a while, then he will not be as hungry other weeks.

    Its not good to start infants on food too early otherwise they are prone to develop allergies later on. That could potentially be very detrimental as he matures.

    So just give him an extra bottle or two for now, that this too shall pass. The baby is only 8 weeks old, You;ve got a long way to go, I wouldnt start complaining at this stage.

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