
My 8 weeks daughter does not open her bowels for 8days. She is only breast feed. Massages do not help. Help!!?

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My 8 weeks daughter does not open her bowels for 8days. She is only breast feed. Massages do not help. Help!!?




  1. very normal for a breastfed baby...they can go for up to 10-14 days....but look out when they do go....

  2. My friends who breastfed had the same thing.  It's normal and nothing to worry about.  In fact, once she does start going again in a few days, you'll start wishing the opposite:)

  3. "Some breastfed babies, after the first three to four weeks of life, may suddenly change their stool pattern from many each day, to one every three days or even less. Some babies have gone as long as 15 days or more without a bowel movement. As long as the baby is otherwise well, and the stool is the usual pasty or soft, yellow movement, this is not constipation and is of no concern. No treatment is necessary or desirable, because no treatment is necessary or desirable for something that is normal."


    At around the age of six weeks, the stooling pattern of a breastfed baby may change. It is not uncommon for the breastfed baby to skip days between bowel movements. Some babies skip every other day, some go every two or three days, some once every 5 - 7 days, and some babies hold out for up to 11 or 12 days at a time - then have quite a FULL diaper when they DO go!

    There is absolutely no reason to intervene and try methods commonly used to "induce" a bowel movement (such as prune or other types of juices, water, glycerin suppositories, or using rectal stimulation). If artificial stimulation is done too often, the baby's system can become dependant upon this stimulation to "go", and no longer is able to have a normal bowel movement on their own.

    In most cases, as long as baby is not acting ill (lethargic, crying in pain, etc.), the tummy is soft, not rigid or distended, skipping days between stools is not cause for alarm, however, mother should not hesitate to ask her health care provider to check her baby to be sure there is no physical problem

    There is something important to point out regarding frequency of stooling in an exclusively breastfed baby.  Many parents are concerned when after the early weeks where they may have been seeing a little bowel movement in almost every diaper, they suddenly begin to see days go by without any.  This is perfectly normal.  There is a great range of frequency of bowel movements with exclusively breastfed infants, ranging from a couple of times a day to several days.  There are completely healthy nursing babies that have a bowel movement once a week, once every ten days, or even a few that go a bit longer. If your baby is healthy, developing well, nursing well and the consistency of the bowel movement when it does make its appearance is soft or loose, then do not be concerned.  It is not constipation if it arrives in soft form.  Constipation would arrive in pellets and hard formed pieces.

    Even if a baby is strictly breast-fed, the frequency of stooling varies among infants. While a frequent stool is most common, babies may stool only one time every other day and still be completely normal. Constipation in fact refers not only to the frequency of stools, but also to the consistency. Therefore, if an infant poops every third day but it comes out soft, this would not be considered constipation, and no therapy is indicated. In fact, at 3-6 weeks of age, breast-fed babies may only have one stool a week. This is because breast milk leaves very little waste in the intestines to be passed. Again, if the stool, when passed, is not hard, this is completely normal. In general, it is almost impossible for strictly breast-fed babies to become constipated

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