I have a 8 year old female snowshoe/tabby mix. She has recently been peeing in my house, I found blood in her pee and litter box. I took her to the vet and they told me since she is so fat (18) lbs that her fat is causing her butt and "you know what" to be squished so she is straining to go, and it has caused her a UTI. I got her shaved "down there" and she got a shot of antibiotics. She has to loose weight or this will continue (she can't clean her self because she is too big) She has been fat her whole life, she is a picky eater, She does not over eat at all!! I'm afraid that even feeding her a lower calorie diet she won't loose weight My question is...should I put her down so she is not struggling, or continue medical treatment? And what type of treatment will help?????