
My 8 year old cousin is treated like she's four, I think this is crazy?

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Lets call her Susie. Well Susie can't get dressed without her mom. Susie's mom has to tie Susie's shoes, cut up her food, even has to wipe her butt after she's done using the restroom! Susie even acts like a four year old if she doesn't get her way. She cries, and screams and hits. But at the same time, this kid has more things than her 16 year old sister. Susie has a laptop, Sidekick LX, a TV and DVD player in her room and a queen size bed. I have all that (but a better phone. lol) and I'm 21. Am I overreacting? I'm seriously worried for Susie because the way it seems Susie won't be able to realize she has to do stuff on her own. What do you think?




  1. i think she needs to learn how to grow up or her parents need to stop treating her like the best lil girl in the world. she'll be in trouble later.

  2. I would recommend that you speak to social services if you have spoken to the parents and nothing has changed. It's in the childs best interest and i know she's not my daughter or yours but far too many people now turn the other cheek without realising the kind of damage it could be doing to the child. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind!

    I hope it all works out.

  3. It seems to me like Susie either:

    A) Has slower development.

    B) Had slower development, and a mother who won't let go.

    Unfortunately, this is something that her mother will have to deal with. If you discuss this with her and you upset her, she may be more inclined to wean Susie off of this treatment immediately--which may not be such a good idea. I suggest that you treat your cousin like she is 8.

    It could be that Susie has nice utilities because her mother is making up for her lack of parenting skills on a child with special needs that she cannot understand.

    Why don't you try talking to Susie's father? Or even teachers? Spend time with Susie and respect her as a person.

  4. Have you had a talk with her mother?

  5. She is going to have serious problems when she is older if her parents don't let her be more independent.  She will act like a four year old (I would say three even) if she is being treated like one. its not her fault it is her parents.  I wonder how she gets on at school.  She must have to tie her own shoes, wipe her own butt etc when at school.    She sounds very spoilt.   I feel sorry for the child as it will damage her just the same as if she was being neglected.

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