
My 8 year old daughter has a problem using credit cards. i signed up for a credit card but...?

by Guest32152  |  earlier

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i signed uo for a visa so that she can build credit but she constantly goes on shopping sprees with it. she spent 532 dollars at Macys and 128 at costco what should i do. she tells me she needs all these ridiculous things like ipods and cells phones but im not sure she needs them for school like she says she does. how can i help her spend less




  1. You should take away the credit card and give her a pre-paid chequing or savings acount from a bank instead. Make sure the amount of money she is able to use is only $20 per day.That'll help her spend less hopefully.

  2. shes 8.

    what does she need with a ******* cell phone?

  3. A joke, I hope.

  4. wow. get a life.

  5. Your 8-year-old?  Are you sure you don't mean 18?  Either way, I read a money article recently that stated one does NOT need to "build credit" these days.  That is old school thinking.  And I think you're setting your little girl up for a fall by giving her access to a credit card.  UGH!!!  How can you help her spend less?  Take away the card!!!  If you feel she MUST have one, make it a pre-paid debit card instead.

  6. She should not have a credit card, she could, but you would hold onto it.

    She should get a teacher to sign a sheet if it is really something she needs for school

    you could have her earn her money, by doing chores

    Donate or sell all of the clothes she doesn't wear anymore as well

  7. What ? You dint give a 8 year old a card .Whats wrong with you ? Take her card cut it up and yours too .you suppose to be the parent

  8. Wow is an 8 year old that independant to take her self to the shops?? What does she walk..

  9. Troll...I HIGHLY doubt you got your 8 year old a credit card. And if you did, you deserve this.

  10. Is this a joke? I didn't even know the names of the stores my mom took me to when I was eight, let alone how to use a credit card.

    Also, she'd have to sign for those purchases and Visa has a 16 year old co-signer limit the last time I checked.

  11. Troll, troll go away...don't come back any day!

  12. Seriously, this was foolish on your part.  Who gives their 8 year old permissive use of credit cards?  Don't you want your daughter to learn the value of money?  You can help her spend less if you take the credit cards away and make her do chores to earn the money back that she spent.

  13. I sincerly hope you meant 18, not 8.

  14. Wow... Ward Cleaver you are NOT. Let's see (and forgive me if I forget any).. you have claimed that your family consists of:

    ~an overweight 12 year old

    ~a 7 year old who is obsessed with Liz Taylor

    ~a 4 year old slob

    ~a 3 year old with a need for a cell phone

    ~an overweight, 'L*****n' 2 year old

    ~another 2 year old, this one male and addicted to Starbucks

    ~yet another overweight child, this one only 1 year old

    And now a credit-card addicted 8 year old?

    Someone contact CBS.... I sense a new reality show in the making!

  15. I had a cash card when i was that age ; ) i neva had 2 ask my parents for much. I prefer dillards to macy's though...

  16. 8? did you put that in right.. .are you sure you are not 8? deciding to give your young child a credit card sounds like something an 8 year old would do..what is wrong with people?

  17. she is 8 she cant have a credit card

  18. yeah, troll...but if you gave a child access to your credit card info,  you and your credit rating deserve everything you get.

  19. what is with all the TROLLS?

  20. TROLL

  21. the only way that I can think of to help your daughter spend less is to take her credit card and cut it up.  If she is not old enough to take on the responsibility of using money wisely that it could bury her in credit problems before she even understands the meaning of credit.  

    I have never owned a credit card, just had a checking account. Using a debit card puts limitation on what can be spent and might be a good alternative.  Home this helps!

  22. Yeah well I think this question is completely false. If it's not then you're pretty stupid for getting a 8 year old a credit and for taking her to these stores. As she can't get their on her own and I don't know of any store clerk that would allow an 6 year old to use a credit card, besides the fact she couldn't really sign her name.

  23. a credit card for an 8 year old??? yeah right take it away from her

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