
My 8 year old daughter has to get a spacer put in can anyone tell me exactly what it is and what they look lik

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My 8 year old daughter has to get a spacer put in can anyone tell me exactly what it is and what they look lik




  1. Before I recieved braces, I had spacers. For me, it was little a tiny little rubberband that they placed between two teeth. For some it is a small metal fixture, but the rubberband is more common.

    If go to and type in "braces spacer" there will be good pictures there.

    Hope this helps!

  2. A spacer is  a tiny circular rubber band that is flossed in between teeth that are really tight together.   The spacer pushes a little bit on the teeth,  causing them to move just a bit,  so there is a tiny space that braces can use to slide on.  

    It will make your child's teeth sore,  every child is different.   It will feel like when you have some food stuck between your teeth,  a bit annoying,  a bit painful.    The good news is 8 year old's teeth are very compliant and flexible,  and it will be much more comfortable for them than it would be for us.

    The main point is make sure she doesn't eat anything sticky that would pull it out,  like carmel apples or gummy bears or gum.   If it comes out,  you sometimes have to start all over.

    In very rare occasions,  not usually on small 8 yr. old's,  a metal spacer is used,  but this probably won't apply to you.

  3. A spacer is a little rubber band that is fitted between 2 teeth to create just a little room.  (smaller than the tip of an eraser)Once the room is made(after a week or 2), the dentist can then address what he needs.

    A space Maintainer is a device that is used to hold space for a missing or extracted tooth until the permanent tooth erupts.  The band is usually cemented to the tooth directly behind where the missing one is.

  4. its a really small rubberband .

    and is used to space apart 2 teeth .

    so the spacer will be put inbetween teeth .

    over a period of time, there will be a space between the teeth.

    after the spacer has been pulled out .

    tell her not to worry because it doesnt hurt (:

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