
My 8 year old daughter hates getting her toe nails cut?

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how do i get her to let me do it without shouting at me?




  1. My 8 year old does his himself.  I think when they get to this sort of age its ok to give them a sense of self hygiene.  Obviously, i keep a close eye on him so there are no trips to casulty with the tip of his finger stuck in the clippers!

    Try that, it might make her feel grown up and wont put up such a fuss about having to do it. (you can always trim the bits she has missed).

  2. Has she had a bad experience in the past? Why don't you show her some pictures of people with long-toenails lol! That oughta put her off making a fuss! ;-]

    On a serious note though, make it more fun rather than a chore. Try setting some 'girly' time aside to paint toenails and make them look lovely :] Cutting the nails would simply complete the look in that case and give some great visual results in favour of keeping her toenails down.

  3. Let her do it herself, she is old enough

  4. You should try to make it a fun experience like take her to a salon and both of you get a pedicure. I know the place I go they many be change $5.00 for a little girl, to get her nail trimmed and painted.

  5. You need to establish WHY she hates it--is she scared that you'll cut her? Does she want her nails long so she can paint them? You need to ask her, or you'll never fix the problem.

    If she hates having you do it, teach her to do it herself--I was cutting my own nails long before I was eight. Check up on her to make sure she is doing it, though. It's a fairly important part of hygiene and you should talk about proper nail maintenence with her.

    One way to make nail-cutting easier is to soak the feet in warm water for a few minutes before cutting; this is when nails are softest. If nothing else works, try this and make her put up with it until she's ready to do it herself.

  6. i think at 8 you need to explain the reason why you need to cut her nails, im sure she will start to understand if you say they might dig into her toes and hurt her when walking

    another idea is try cutting them when shes sleeping

  7. well she is 8 so you have to think like a child.

    what does she like alot or who does she idolise.

    for example if she likes barney then maybe you could tell her barney likes to cut his toenails everyday and fingernails.

    it works for our little girl

  8. I know how she feels. I hate cutting my toenails too. It makes me feel physically sick. I used to give my mum a really hard time when she had to cut my toenails for me. Now I'm old enough to do them myself, I confess I leave them for as long as I can get away with....

    You probably already do this, but cut the nail after a bath as they are alot softer. It's the sound that freaks me out the most so try playing music or putting on the TV.

    I cut mine underwater now. No sound!

  9. I discovered the other day that my daughter (who is 7) is very frightened by the thought of me clipping her toe nails....I figured I needed to do it when one ripped during her very first Tae Kwon Do class....and cut her other foot! LOL.

    She freaked out.  

    I think it might have to do with the fact that when she was about four months old I accidentally clipped a little skin with one of her fingernails (OMG, I called the neighbor I was a total mess) but anyway the neighbor told me take pics, and one day my daughter and I were looking at old pics....and she saw herself as a baby with blood all over and well...

    now she thinks I'm gonna clip her skin every time! LOL

    This is the same child who practically fainted when she had a paper apparently blood is really NOT HER THING.

    good luck! hope you get some great advice!

  10. Teach her to do it herself.

  11. she's old enough to do it herself.  give her a pedicure kit with clippers, a file, a polish.

  12. Tell her to shut up and do what she is told.  I would not have a child shout at me, especially if she is my daughter.

  13. My daughter has been cutting her own fingernails and toenails since she was 6. She has never hurt herself. An 8yo is capable of cutting her own nails.

  14. umm im not that old, but if i were like 20 years older wiith a kid, i would tell a little white lie like saying something like "if u doint they will grow to long and ________ with occur"

    idk whatever

  15. Is amputating her legs at the knee an option ?

  16. both my kids age 6 and 10 hate getting there nails cut it is like an operation doing it ,if you find an easier way let me know.

  17. Why not let her try to do it herself? She isnt a baby anymore.

  18. be the parent, thats what u are so do it, good grief

  19. Hi,

    Do it in a fun way. Have a girlie night with her where you wash each others hair and pamper one another - get some nail cutters and nail polish and you tell her that the way to put lovely nail polish on and to have pretty toes for summer and when she older is to cut them - you do yours - maybe even let her have a go at doing one of yours and you then do hers - then allow her to chose a nail polish and paint her toes.

    She will love spending quality time with you - get treats like nail polishes, glitter ect, chocolate, ice-cream - ban dad and brothers and have a night in together!


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