
My 8 year old dog pooping inside all of a sudden?

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I've had my sweet chihuahua mix for 8 years and she and her 7yr old son have always had access to the backyard 24/7 to do their business. The only time they have pooped on the carpet is in dire emergency if we forget to reopend their doggy door or if it's pouring cats and dogs outside... neither of those are in effect but my Chica has been pooping on 2 of our carpets every night for a week and a hal... and now that she has pooped on the area, her son Rusty is marking it with his urine! SO this has turned into a double trouble! My house stinks! I cannot figure out why she is doing this. Help!




  1. If they aren't familiar with something you might've just moved into the house like a smell or something then they are probably trying to mark to show that it's their territory. There's no reason they can't go outside to p**p. My dog does it sometimes when he has anxiety about being left alone in the house.  

  2. She could be scared or worried about something that might happen, like how dogs can tell a storm is comming wen it is clowdless outside ya no? or maybe they are worning you of something? I'd call your vetranarian and ask wat it could mean,  thats the best way to go.

  3. they cant be let inside unless its raining

  4. well, small dogs live longer than big ones, but your dog may be getting old already, or having problems with kidney, or other organs.  it may also be a problem of stress. has your pet gone through any changes recently? is there any way she could be pregnant?  maybe she and her son are having problems, and she poops because she is unhappy, and then Rusty marks that area with urine to try to claim it as his territory.

  5. Maybe they're afraid of all the cats & dogs (rain) outside along with thunder,etc.? Once they establish a spot inside, it's very hard to break the chain. You must eliminate the scent that attracts them.

  6. start from scratch again, just like training a puppy.  take him out after meals and every hour that you're home.  when you're not home, crate the dog or gate the dog in 1 room.

    also crate at night too.    pick up the water at 7 or 8 pm.

    give your floors a really good cleaning!

  7. When your dog is 8, she gets kinda old already, and she might have some holding problems.. Usually old dogs pee inside the house during night because they cannot hold but it can also bee pooping.

  8. Dogs p**p in the house somethimes to get attention. If you`ve had a recent changes in your household she may be mad!

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