My son Jacob is 8 years old and there are some bullies on his bus.When the driver wasn't looking,the boy behind him who is a bully grabbed his lunch and opened the window and threw it out.My son got very upset,and he is at school now and i am very worried because those boys are in his class.I want to just pick him up from school and know that he's safe.The boys also throw rocks at him,punch him,and i told my son to say something back and he's like "Mommy,you want me to say a cuss"?.The boys called him a ******,and my son said "You guys are plain losers and have no right to make fun of me" and then this boy that is my sons' best friend punched all 4 bullies in the face and they got into a HUGE fight.So i went outside and took my son inside and then one of the bullies said:"Aww,Look guys! Jakey poo's mommy is getting him'' and they all laughed except for my sons friend.I talked to their mothers,and they said "It's not my fault your sons a loser" and made my son cry right in front of her