
My 8 year old son loves to play with girls, almost to the exclusion of boys his!!!?

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I dont think he is into dress up or girls toys or anything like that but he will choose to play with a girl over a boy in almost every situation.




  1. don worry he is probably will grow out of it or he might not like doing a lot of guy stuff i have went through that stage before when i was little it is perfectly normal

  2. does he have a male role model in his life??

  3. If you think about adults, I know men who have more women friends than men, and vice versa.  I don't think its a big deal.  It just has to do with natural preferences.  And like another reader said, when he's older he'll have all these girlfriends and be way ahead of the game, haha!

  4. thats nothing to worry about

  5. My son probably would too, but he has a slightly younger sister. My son is also pretty emotionally sensitive as well as creative and a deep thinker. I think that maybe he finds girls to be more entertaining in those ways. However, my son does gravitate towards playing with boys if they're a year or so older or more.

  6. too!, don'y worry about it.  If anything, does he have a male model in his life?  all of s guys need need a great guy to live up too and show us how to act in the real world.  boys will be boys before you know it, then you will wish he was still playin with gals.

  7. i wouldnt worry about it, unless he is taking on the mannerisms of girls, but playing with girls cant make someone g*y if thats what your worried about.

    but i would keep a eye on it just to see what is going on.

  8. Perfectly normal.  Not to worry!  He'll have a wonderful time later in high school with all of the girlfriends that he's playing with now.  It's great that he doesn't think they have cooties! :)

  9. his a pimp

  10. My 9 year old plays with girls more than boys most of the time too.  I think that it is because he is pretty sensitive and the boys in his class are kinda mean. He really doesn't care to play football at recess like most of the boys, he is a book worm.

    I wouldn't be to concerned about it right now, boys at this age just don't make "best friends" like girls at this age do.  Boys develop relationships differently.

  11. This is not something you need "help" with; why are you so worried about who your son chooses to play with? Playing with girls does not mean your son is g*y, nor will it "turn him" g*y, if that's what you're worried about. There's no reason for concern here.

  12. Respect him enough to let him choose his own friends. I would be curious about this. Ask him about his friends: "charlie, you really seem to like Katie. What do you like the most about her?" "Charlie, I noticed that you were playing with Meredith but not Bobby. Why is that? "When he explains his preference make sure you don't find something wrong with it. A simple "oh, I didn't know that about her" or "that's really interesting" will tell him it's ok that he has chosen her for a friend, and it teaches him to talk to you about things. Everybody wins.

  13. My son is 5 and enjoys watching barbie with his 3 sisters. I don't worry about him because when the time comes.....I will train him to be a young man...e.g. baseball, hunting, fishing, you know the guy stuff.

  14. So what's your concern?  That at 8 years old he's not the he-man you wanted so you're ready to turn him in for another model?  Is he healthy?  Then thank God for your blessings and leave him be.

  15. my step brother does the same thing he just turned 9 but he always plays with the girls and one time when he did that he got him self in alot of trouble(he touched certain things and prblems with teacher and the little girls parents). so to me i would think it is a problem every once in a while is ok but everyday is not, so dont let it get to far. u need to tell him that in less the teacher puts him in a group with some girls that any other time when he is outside that he needs to play with boys

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