
My 8 year old still didnt drop any milk teeth , what should I do?

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my daughter is 71/2 that is she was born on the month of Septemberin 2000. she still hasnt dropped any milk teeth. should I be worried about this , any of you all face similler problems ?




  1. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this--all kids lose their baby teeth at different rates. I didn't lose my last baby tooth until I was 17. If she hasn't lost any teeth by the time she's 9 or 10, however, you should probably talk to the dentist.

  2. every kid is different, im sure shes fine. what does her dentist say about it (please tell me she's been to the dentist)

  3. prepare a thread then tie the thread to her teeth and tie the thread to the door and shut the door!!!! presto! there you have her loose tooth! :))

  4. I've never heard baby teeth referred to as "milk teeth" before. 7 1/2 is kind of old, all of my kids had lost a few teeth by then but if your child got her teeth later then they lose them later as well. I would ask your dentist to be sure but it's probably normal.

  5. i didn't lose my first tooth until i was 7 1/2. but i didn't get my first tooth until i was 13 months. just keep monitering her teeth. there's nothing wrong with her. besides the longer the baby teeth are kept the healthier they will be. plus she might not get wisdom teeth. my dentist xrayed me for them and i'm one of those 1 in a 100 cases that doesn't get it or something. i'm pretty sure it has to do with my loss of baby teeth at an older age.

  6. I have a friend whose daughter was born the same month, same year, and she only recently last month lost her first tooth.  Her dentist and doctor were not concerned.  Some people think it means they will enter puberty a little later but I have no idea if that's true.  Check with your doctor to be sure.

  7. give her a knuckle sandwich. see wut happens

  8. The longer they keep their baby teeth the healthier the teeth are.

  9. Your daughter is fine.  Children loose their first teeth between the ages of 4-14

  10. I think you should go to the dentest, and see if they can help you get rid of your milk teeth!

  11. yea!!  the longer the child keeps the baby teeth, the healthier and stronger the adult teeth will be.  if the dentist isn't concerned, why are you???

  12. talk to ur dentist

  13. Don't worry, some children's milk teeth just fall out later than others. My daughter is 13 and she is still has two more teeth to lose before she has all of her permanent teeth. She started losing hers around age 8 1/2-9.

    The dentist would tell you if you should be worried or not. Next time she goes to the dentist, ask him if she should get some teeth pulled so her new teeth can start coming in. Don't worry, this is normal.

    Good luck.

    Hope I helped.

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