
My 8 year old throws a temper tantrum if he starts losing a video game! How should I handle this?

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My 8 year old throws a temper tantrum if he starts losing a video game! How should I handle this?




  1. take game off him when he does this.then let him play game for very short periods of time kids often get flustrsted after playing with these games for long periods of time.maybe try playing game with him take an intrest in it let him see it ok to lose when you play it.tell him he will break it if he is throwing it and will have nothing to play with.

  2. Take the video game away until he is ready to calm down and control his emotions towards the game.

  3. He needs a break from video games. He obviously has problems understanding that a video game is not real life. And I don't mean saying, "Okay, if you cry, you can't play again for the rest of the day." That sounds like a punishment. I mean a break that lasts at least a month. He needs to realize that life DOES go on even if his gaming doesn't.

  4. With our kids once they throw a tantrum with at he game then game is over.  We had to sit many times and explain to our sons that type of behavior was wrong.  If they want to play the game like big boys then they need to act like one.  They would get to play the next day and start over. I believe you should do what you think is fright for your child and his ability to learn.  If he does this with other things that he loses at does he throw the same tantrum?

    " It's just a game and you can start over, I know it's depressing to no win but that is why it's called a game.  The next time you play you will be that much better but once the tantrum starts you will be done for the day."  That is about what I said and at times say.

  5. Our rule is if you throw a fit then you are done.  Stop the game and take it away for the rest of the day.

  6. magically get yourself into the screen and tell the characters to let your son win everytime. that works!

  7. no more video games for him.

  8. take it away completely, if he cant play with it right, he cant play with it at all. period. be a parent, dont let your kid walk all over you, it might be hard and he will most likely throw an even bigger temper tantrum when you do, but that will pass, and he will remember you taking it away next time, and if he dosent do it again, take it. you are suppose to be in control, you are supposed to be the parent, and if you use the vide game system as a babysitter then theis whole thing is your fault anyway, so be the adult and fix the problem. sorry to be an ***, but its like the word no dosent exist anymore for parents and their children

  9. take it away from him next time he does this and tell him if he cant handle the game than he shouldnt be playing it!......I do this with my 2yr old evertime he gets frustrated with a toy and starts throwing it............

  10. I took my sons video games away and he didn't get another one until he was grown and married with kids of his own. His son is now behaving the same way and last I heard they were taking his away, too.

  11. sounds like it's time to pull the plug. When they can't differentiate reality from a simple game and get that upset over a game then you know they re getting too involved and need to take a step back. If I were you I would pull the plug and tell him something is wrong with the system. Hide it somewhere and tell him you sent it out to be fixed. He needs a break from it. I would wait at least a week or two and then when you bring it back out, limit it to only 1 hour a day.

  12. My son did the same thing.  I had to give him a break from the games.  He couldn't handle losing either, and it would just frustrate him to no end.  Tell him that if he feels himself getting mad about the game, the game is no longer fun, and he needs to stop playing.  Games are supposed to be fun, not annoying.  He's probably also playing too much as well.

  13. Whenever my kids gets that frustrated with a video game, it is time to turn it off and they cannot play it until the next day. And if continues then I would not let them play the game. I tell them it is OK to get frustrated about losing but it is not OK to throw a fit!! And I encourage them to stop on their own before they get to that point and they do that about 90% of the time now. Also limit how long he plays, sometimes if it has been more than an hour it should be turned off anyway.

  14. take it away!! he needs to understand its a game and not to throw a big fit about it

  15. Take the game away from him for the rest of the day. Do this until he learns to not throw temper tantrums.

  16. Simplay tell him to stop throwing a temper tantrum and calm down. Tell him that their is not reason of him to start throwing a cook just because he is starting to lose. You might want to give him the 'loser" speech about it doesn't matter if you lose or not and etc...

  17. Do the same to him play a game and "lose" Start screaming kick the game over and turn off the system. When he stares at you then talk to him and then also do things like winner has to clean up the game and loser and winner get a treat so he figures out that it doesn't matter.

  18. My son loves his games he did this around the same age hes now 10 when he did this I straight away gave him the decision to control himself or it goes away for a couple of days and he soon learned but its a good idea to give him a playing time period so hes not getting to involved in the game. like i said my son is now 10 and has stopped.

    Your son is old enough to make decision's give the choice to behave or let it be taken away and once he's learned your serious about it he'll make the right one remember to be firm.

  19. Take them away for the rest of the day if he throws a fit. If it continues on a regular basis, sell the game system.

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