
My 8 yr old daughter doesn't want to eat meat. How do I insure she is getting what she needs to grow?

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My daughter doesn't like meat at all. She likes vegetables. How do I help her become a vegetarian without depleting her of the nutrition she needs to grow up strong?

Should I start her on a vitamin?

I don't like the chemical varieties.




  1. There is no question that you should start her on a vitamin, talk to your doctor about which ones though. When I was a teenager I became a vegetarian without vitamins and I got really sick, a few months in to it i developed severe allergies, the worst being severe sensitivity to sunlight, I literally couldn't stay outside for 5 min without getting what looked like 2nd degree burns. I've sense started eating meet again and though i still suffer from these allergies they are a lot less severe. Make sure she gets her vitamins, especially iron.

  2. yes, vitamins. For protien-beans, peanut butter & eggs. keep a check on her iron. she may need some extra iron if it gets low. Iron is harder to replace than protien

  3. you can get natural vitamins from a health food store but she does not need them. She is getting them in the fruit and veg. What you may need to do is get a natural Iron supplement. A health food dtore carries these. You want the naturally derived ones not the chemiacal ones as these constipate. Do some research on vegitarian diets. i know it involves legumes and pulses. Don't do what my mum did when I was a vegetarian and just dish up vegies. I ended up severly anemic. Go into health section and get some advice from vegetarians.

  4. DUH try doing some research...a vegterian diet will NOT deplete the nutrition she needs to grow up strong.  All of my children are vegetarians (except the middle one likes a juicy hamburger once in awhile) and they are healthy and happy but their arteries aren't being clogged with cholesterol and fats, and not one of them takes vitamins.  They get everything they need per day and then some from their diet.  Do some're obviously ill educated in this subject.

  5. I don't think you need to do anything except see that she gets a large variety of veggies and fruits. Perhaps dairy, if she will.

    Meat is not necessary to a healthy diet, in fact many studies show the opposite. Vitamin supplements are a waste of money since she will get everything her body needs in the fruits and veggies themselves, especially uncooked ones.

  6. Here is a website which will give you all the info you need on non-meat sources of nutrition.

    Also, go to Amazon and check out their cookbooks...they have several on kids that will interest you.

    Be well.

  7. Vitamins would be great-- and you can find natural ones at places like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. Make sure she gets lots of protein from beans and nuts, and iron from those and dark green leafy veggies-- like spinach. They may not be perfect sources of them, but they will give her more than other things, and are healthier in other ways, too. Try getting her on soy milk-- the chocolate ones help with the taste, and they are good sources of certain things (silk has omegas in it). Good luck!

  8. just take her to mcdonalsd!

  9. Get some nutritional info on vegetarian eating for meals and a balanced diet. Make sure to add lots of whole grains, beans and eggs. If she likes mostly veggies, try making dishes that combine veggies and also some other proteins, like soy mixed in. There are lots of sources out there - you can also talk to her pediatrician (hopefully they are knowledgable.)

  10. Fish and pulses and cheese ?

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