
My 8 yr old son is with his dad in the states, they have been there 10 months, how do i get my son home?

by  |  earlier

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My ex-husband and i signed papers that he would travel frequently to the states and needed me to agree for my son to travel with him. he has now been in the States for 10 months. What do I do to get him back?? i want my son home and he is a Canadian citizen




  1. Talk to your ex-husband tell him how your feeling.

  2. Um... I don't think there is a way but to persuade him. Why not plan a schedule with ex- and maybe your son can visit you in the summer.

  3. If i were you i would call the US embassy  

  4. First, who has legal custody of the boy? Does he want to come home? Has your ex taken steps to make him a US citizen and to get full custody of the boy?  Contact an Lawyer and find out what you need to do. At that age, your son can make up his own mind where he chooses to be.

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