
My 8 yr son is very careless in every field what shall i do so that he excels in everything?

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My 8 yr son is very careless in every field what shall i do so that he excels in everything?




  1. First thing you can do is lower your expectations.

    If you expect your kid to be the best in everything, he'll only be the best in disappointment.

    My son is not as physically developed as other kids his age, so I don't expect him to be a great runner or sports player.  I focus on his strengths, which is bound to be healthier for his self-esteem than focusing on his weaknesses.

  2. dont worry. kids develop at their own pace. sometimes the early 'toppers' are no where later on. dont be pushy. he will be just fine. if you act disappointed or anxious, he will develop all kinds of psychological problems.

  3. try to find out in which field he has some inerest .encourage on even on his little achievements.NEVER COMPARE HIM WITH HIS ORGANISED FRIENDS.

  4. because somebody else is there to care,one tends to be careless.

    don't put him on leash,let him explore and find out for himself.

    allowing to unzip himself may be the first step.

  5. first  you  should be proper in all things automatically he or she follow you since he or she is small.

  6. #1: Generally speaking, an 8-year-old boy is not as mature as an 8-year-old girl.

    #2: If he's careless in things its because he is not interested in them. Find out what it is that interests him and cultivate that interest.

    #3: Only push him to do HIS best, not someone else's best, not to excel in everything but to do the best he can do.

    #4: Help him do the best he can do by working with him at home and encouraging him at home BY working with him.

  7. you should be confident about ur kid since he's just 8 he plenty of time to improve try developing his interest in one field first instead of all and also allow him to play to his heart desire

  8. Dont make being careless an issue otherwise he will get a hang up and become worse. The truth is it is your hang up. When you say "my son is careless in every field" it is a wrong attitude which will be picked up by your son. Children are much better at reading people than adults and he will know how you feel and this will make him nervous and hurt him.

    The best thing you can do is realise he is 8 years old and play with him, make him feel totally accepted and love him. In this environment he will naturally begin to become better at the things he is going to be good at. Children are not small adults they function differently. Let him be a child and enjoy watching him turn into a man slowly. But enjoy his childhood and relax. Show him you are more interested in him than his performance.

    Another point is you didn't mention what type of carelessness he has. Is it physical or something else? If it is physical is he growing quick? Growing effects his coordination and if you grow quick it does this even more. All children are clumsey some more than others. If he has a disability he can get further help.

    Wherever his field of carelessness is he needs to feel accepted and loved more than anything. If he feels accepted then you will be amazed at how he changes.

    With all respect look at your attitude. Remember he is a child. No-one excells in everything. Examine your value system. A person becomes how they seem themselves. They also have faith in what they hear. Does he hear praise or critisism? It may be challenging to speak positively but as you change the way you think it will become easier.

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