
My 81 yr.old mom has had her lungs drained 3 times in the past 2 wks. Dr's. have done x-rays, ultra sounds,?

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MRI's, echo cardiogram. They still don't know whats wrong. She is in rehab now. Four days ago she developed pneumonia. She seems to be getting better. The next step is a lung specialist. Does anyone out there have any ideas on what she is suffering from? Will the fluid come back? I cant seem to find any answers.

Thank you




  1. You should make sure they screen for congestive heart failure. This causes your lungs to fill with fluid.

  2. If you look up a pleural effusion this may give some answers as to how it is happening or maybe even why.  This may be a CHF, renal or blood pressure issue.  A pleural effusion should show up on an ultrasound and x ray though.

    The pneumonia may be a result of the fluid leaking into the lung tissue and developing in infection.  81 yr. olds have a tendency not to use the lower portions of their lungs so their lungs are prone to pneumonias.

    The pulmonologist should be able to help answer your questions though.

    good luck.

  3. My mom also had that done, it was her heart, was the beginning of congestive heart failure, she was put on a diuretic and also some medication for her heart to improve and strengthen it , this of course does not mean that is what is going on with your mom, but it is what happened with us, you can live for quite a while with a failing heart with proper care. Chin up and good luck.  

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