
My 8mo. old has been diagnosed with complex partial seizures..?

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Also known as focal seizures, the prognosis is that if he can be seizure free for 2 yrs. with medication (200mg's of Keppra daily), he can then start to "get off" the meds.

Any one else have or know anyone whose infant was diagnosed with these specific type of seizures? What was the model of treatment?

Thank You

FYI- he's been seizure free since strating medication ;he had at least 20 over a 20 hr prd. in the hospital:(




  1. As a new dad myself, I hope your little man is free of seizures and gets the treatment he needs to be a healthy boy. I am sure he is a sweetheart. Good luck and I will pray for him tonight. I am sorry I cannot help you in any other way than my prayers, but I promise I will pray for him.

    EDIT- No problem. I just wish I could do more but I don't know anything about the condition. Do what you can, and let the doctors do what they can, and hopefully you'll get the news in 2 years that everything is fine. I know 2 years must seem like an eternity now, but it will go by more quickly than you think. And no matter what happens with the situation, you seem like a very good mommy, as long as you are there holding him, he is in the best hands possible, no matter what happens. My thoughts and prayers go your way.

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