
My 9 1/2 month old daughter's temperature has went up...what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, my daughter had a fever this afternoon of 101.7 (taking the temp under the arm) so I gave her some Infants Motrin. Her temp went down a little bit, and I checked her again before bed and it was only like 99.7 (under the arm). Well, I just checked her and she still felt warm, so I rechecked her temp. First, I used an ear thermometer since she wasn't moving, and it said her temp was 103.5. So, I then proceeded to take her temp under the arm and it was 102.3. (These temps are obviously all measured in Fahrenheit) So, my question is, what should I do? Just give her more medicine? If her temp is still up in the morning, should I call the doctor? Or just wait it out a little longer?

Also, she ate her cereal (supper) ok, but her temp was also down then too.

She does sleep with only a diaper, so I know she is not overly dressed. But, I don't understand what would make her temp fluctuate like that.




  1. I hope you called your ped. by now.... motrin is an every 6-8hr drug... if a baby is under 1yr your suppose to call at 101 temp. just to be sure and safe. when the fever goes up fast or stays up for long periods it can dehydrate the baby fast. its great shes only in a diaper, did you try the luke warm bath? or the cool wash rag, wiping it on the feet, head, neck and the small of the back seem to be the fastest to break a fever with my daughter. I hope she feels better soon.

  2. I would at least call your pediatrician.  High fevers in babies are dangerous, I thought.  I would call to be safe.

  3. Babies temperatures go up at night. Maybe the medicine wore off. She has a fever because her body is fighting some kind of sickness. When was her last dose of medicine? Do not overmedicate. How long has she had a fever? If their behavior changes, like being limp or listless, not peeing/pooping or eating at all. Call doctor right away.  

  4. If there is ANY doubt in your mind about the proper course of action regarding the health of your child, call a specialist (i.e., a pediatrician) right away.  Do not guess or try to "wait it out".

  5. motroin  untell the morning wet cloth and wipe her

    call the doctor . keep a eye out for her temp. give her alot to drink so the fever will go down.check fever every so many hours

  6. give her some meds to get it down, keep it checked and if u can keep it down call in the morning....if it gets above 102 after being medicated i would call the doc on call for further instructions; if your room isn't too cool, try wetting baby's hair with a washcloth, they lose a lot of body heat through their head; also, ask your ped before doing this, but we used to rotate tylenol and motrin....say give tylenol at 2, motrin at 4, tylenol at 6...etc...but be sure you ask before you do that, i havent worked with peds in quite awhile and i would be afraid for you to do it without their ok, but if they say its' ok, it can be very effective at keeping temp down, my main concern though is the age of your child, she may  not be old enough for that....if u have any doubts about anything or even any ?s, call the on call doc; that's what they are there for and that's what they get paid for; believe me, they are used to being awakened in the middle of the night! good luck...

  7. Yeah, keep on with the Motrin until morning and then go to the doctor if its still up,The Motrin wears off in four or five hours that's why it went back up,wake her up for more medicine.

  8. Give her more medicine and get a cool wet wash cloth and wipe her down with it, make sure you check on her during the night and if she is still hot I would go straight to the hospital.  Good luck!

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