
My 9 day old baby has really bad gas. i'm breast feeding. What should i do? 10 pts best answer.?

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He has gas all day and night. i burp him often after breast feeding but still it's pretty bad. i though breast fed babies didnt have this problem. I need help to get rid of it. also i use Mylacon and it doesnt really help.

Anybody have any advice that actually works?!!? Please help.




  1. When breast feeding they eat what you eat. Try eating a different diet. I know when I ate things like chili, spaghetti, broccoli... things like this, my babies were pretty gassy. Mylacon never really worked for mine either. When mine were uncomfortable and I felt frustrated (mostly at night) I would put them in their bouncer and run a hot bath. The sound of water and steam seemed to relax them and they fell asleep. Making things a little calmer for me. I would soak and enjoy the quietness. If it was the middle of the day and I didn't want them to sleep, I would place my hand on their stomach and rock with them. The heat from my hand seemed to relax their tummy. Relieving some of the pain. Try to stay calm. When breast feeding they sense your emotions. Sometimes if you are upset they will stop feeding, making them even more in pain. Which I know makes you only more frustrated. Just try to snuggle and imagine better times! Good luck!

  2. look at your diet start eating bland foods or cut out milk it might be something you are eating that is giving him the problem..... make sure he isn't laying all the way down when you feed him keep his head up.... also if you are using gas drops make sure they are the white ones not the pink with mine the pink ones did nothing....Good luck!  

  3. well maybe he has stomach problems. and if breast feeding isnt good

    try powder milk not just mylacon. or if that doesnt work u will need to see a dotor

  4. Try gripe water.

    What you eat can affect your breastfed baby.Try eating foods that are on the "low gas list".

    Also, try burping your baby during feedings.

  5. My son is 22 days old today and has had this issue since he was born.  I understand that their digestive system is just getting used to taking in actual substance.  We began using Mylicon last week and I honestly can't tell if it is helping or not.  

    It is frustrating to see them in so much pain and not really be able to help them in addition to the frantic crying - I certainly can commiserate with you on this one...sorry, I realize this isn't actually advice, but I have just assumed that this is a normal thing with new babies.  

    I will hope for you, as I am hoping for myself, that time will make things better/easier.  Wishing you and your baby the best.

  6. You may need to alter what you eat. Maybe there is something in your diet that is giving him gas. He eats what you eat. If that doesn't work call your doctor about prescribing the baby some gas meds.  

  7. I'm guessing you mean that he is burping, not farting.  It could be something in your diet.  Have you been having gas lately too?

    Both of my kids have reflux and they burp a lot.  You may need to try feeding him half of a feeding, burping and then finishing the feeding.  I had to do this (still do with my youngest).

    Is he vomiting at all?  Normal spit-up?  These can be signs of something like reflux.  IT's easy enough to deal with.  It does require medicine though.

    If he's not getting upset, it should be OK, but you definitely want to keep an eye on his behavior.

  8. That happened with my son when he was a baby and we didn't know what was going on. And he would throw up constantly, therefore not holding down food and eating every hour and a half. He would be up all night crying and finally fall asleep in the morning for a few hours but was up again. We were both misearable.

    Come to find out he was lactose intolerant (and his dad was as well as a baby with a slight form of it now as an adult). When we seen the doctor after a week or two of going through this she agreed. We put him on a lactose free formula and it worked wonders. By a month old he was sleeping through the night (12 hrs at a time). I can't tell you how much it helped and I was no longer waking up every hour and a half to feed or to make sure he wasn't choking from when I did feed him.

    Though not being breast fed, my son was and is very healthy, smart and gorgeous. He is no longer lactose intolerant. He grew out of it. We slowly broke him into taking milk. So you need to contact the baby's pediatrician and let them know. Make sure the baby doesn't have collic and discuss changing to formula and or lactose free. You may even be able to breast feed and used formula alternately. Since his isn't throwing up like mine was he might only have a slight reaction.

    One other thing, if you don't think its the lactose.Do you straight breast feed or do you use bottles too or pump into bottles? What type of bottles are you using? If regular, switch to the bag kind (sorry, forgot what their called). They let you personally eliminate the excess air in the bottle before your baby takes one drink and you can continue to do so during the feeding. You could quite possibley pump your breast milk and use these bottle to eliminate the gas but still giving your baby the nutrients he needs. You wouldn't believe the bloating and stomach aches the air in a bottle can give your baby.

    One other thing, you may try to burp your baby during breast feeding as well as after. I know I did and with a bottle you have to. Also, to help the baby immediatly feel better you can put him on his belly on a heating pad (lowest setting with a towel or blanket over it) or use a hot water bottle (with towel or blanket) on his belly. This will help him to feel better if his stomach is hurting.

    Lastly, if you don't think its with your son it could be something you eat. Everything you eat goes to your son. If it gives you gas it can give him gas. If it give his father gas it can give him gas. But even if it doesn't give you gas, his system is new and not used to many foods. And if it gave you gas or heartburn during pregnancy then it could give it to him now.You can try altering your diet for a day or two and see if it changes how he's doing then you'll know.

    But it never hearts to contact a doctor, they understand, your not the first new mother they've had and thats what their there for.

    Good luck sweetie, hope this helps some! Congradualtions on the baby!

  9. What you eat effects your milk. So if you eat foods that are gassy your baby will be gassy.

    My only other advice than that is give Mylicon 10min before each feeding.

  10. My daughter is breastfed and has always had HORRIBLE smelling gas. She was pretty bad, but it's subsided a bit now, she's 15 weeks old. I have yet to find something that works though. You can try putting a blanket or something in the dryer and laying her on it on her stomach after you take it out, give her mylicon drops before you put her on it as well.

    Good luck!

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