
My 9 mo old has a rash on both elbows - red and slightly bumpy but doesn't seem to bother her. Thoughts?

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She doesn't have teeth yet, but isn't drooling so I don't know if its teething. She has been kinda cranky, but no fever. Also, she had heat rash last week, but this looks totally different. She just started crawling and I am wondering if it is irritation from the ground.




  1. It might be irritation from crawling.  It may also be a flare up of excema.  It is very common in infants.  Emma got a patch on her elbow.  Aveeno baby cream took care of it.

  2. Yeah it is from crawling, or an allergic reaction to something in the carpet or grass if she has been out in it.  

  3. check with the doctor she might have eczema

  4. probably rug burn, but it could be heat rash. Do you live in a hot and humid climate?

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