
My 9 month old baby as a nasty red rash on his face. His this something that should concern me?

by  |  earlier

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I took him to the doctors who said it was just a virus and suggested Aquaphor this hasn't worked and in fact as made it worse. Just want to check that this is not serious and was wondering If anyone had any ideas? Thanks alot.




  1. If what the doctor suggested did not work after about a week, take him back to the doctor and ask him/her if he/she thinks it is exzema.

  2. try just simple water on his face - boiled and coold. no wipes, no soap. is it possible it could be an allergy, my daughter is allergic to citrus and thes how it manifested - a rash which went from behind her ears, down her jawline to her chin.

  3. are you using baby wipe on his face, this is not a good idea as in my experience these can cause the red rash on face, but different brands of wipes can do this!

  4. A possibility is a "drug rash", this is an allergy to medication. It could be that he's allergic to whatever he's taken (happened to my 9 month old recently). Apparently a lot of virus's give different virus type rashes which is quite common. A lot of doctors can't pinpoint the exact virus that causes a rash as there are so many and symptoms can be similar. A good guide for rashes is the touch test. If the rash blanches (turns white) when pressed, then it's probably nothing that needs urgent medication attention but this isn't always a 100% reliable test. If you're still worried, go to another doctor for a second opinion for peace of mind.

  5. take him to a different doctor. docs misdiagnose rashes and stuff all the time. better to be safe than sorry

  6. My fella had a rash on his chin/neck around the same age, caused by constant drooling.  The dr recommended using a tiny amount of cortisone cream.  Check with your dr before using it!  If applicable, keep the area clean and dry.

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