
My 9 month old daughter has a stomach viris, I know there is no meds for a viris but any ideas ?

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She has been up all night and she just feels awful, any ideas on how to make her feel better?




  1. You could try some Gripe Water, and a warm heating pad on her tummy. try getting her to sleep on he left side!

  2. lots of hugs and cuddles.  when my baby had the stomach virus he just laid on my chest and snuggled all day.  if she has a fever i would give her some tylenol and if she is has vomiting/diarrhea try to give her some pedialyte to keep her hydrated

  3. If she has had a stomach virus you will need to push fluids with her so she doesn't get dehydrated.

    I used Pedialyte with my kids.

    Now if she wants to eat then let her but do it small increments. If she wants to just nibble that is fine too.

    The main issue is making sure she stays hydrated.

  4. Sooth her.  Try the BRAT diet.

    This is bananas, rice, apples and toast.

    Good luck.. Hope she feels better fast!    

  5. cradling and soothing her. don't give her milk w/ a fever & no juice b/c the citric acids upset the stomach more. You can't kill a virus but u can treat symptoms. Tylenol for fever unless it's a low fever then no tylenol b/c her body is fighting it. Emetrol for nausea and vomiting. Clean ur house and her toys thoroughly and keep her indoors even 2-3 days after she feels better.

  6. Poor baby, I hope she can get relief through Breast milk because I think that is the best medicine for a baby.

  7. She needs to stay hydrated so give her small amounts of water at a regular interval, start with 1 teaspoon every 10 minutes. She will probably want more, but might not be able to handle it. If she goes for more than 30 min without getting sick you can increase the frequency and amount. Once she goes an hour without getting sick, if you already feed her cereal she can have a *small* amount at a time, but no milk in it. Pedialite is also a good idea if she can keep it down.  

  8. We just went through this with my daughter who is 8 months old.  Her doctor's advice was pedialyte.  It tastes terrible so if you can't get her to drink it from a bottle or cup, try a medicine syringe.  Do a teaspoon, wait a few minutes and do another and just try to get some in her to keep her hydrated.  No milk until the vomiting has stopped, but if it continues for more than a day or two I would definately be taking her to the doctor because she is really little.  Also children this age if they get the roto virus they are often hospitalized with it and I guess that would be my biggest fear, if she doesn't start improving quickly.

    Try rice cereal mixed with pedialyte.  Puffs have rice in them so if she just won't do rice cereal, you might try banana puffs.  

    Bananas and applesauce help with diarrhea.  If she is eating table foods maybe a little dry toast.  

    Hope she is feeling better quickly!

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