
My 9 month old infant daughter is spitting her food out. What do I do?

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My 9 month old ate baby food fine up until this week. Now whenever my wife or I try to feed her via spoon, she will either turn away or if we get it in her mouth she spits it out. She will eat cheerios or flavored baby puffs all night long and she is drinking milk fine, but with the baby food bought at stores she will not eat. I do not think it is because she doesn't like the food, she is just in this phase of being able to spit out the food. Your thoughts? thank you very much in advance.




  1. I suggest giving her table food.  She's probably interested in more texture than a puree.  You may find this article about baby food interesting:

  2. Maybe she's just tired of the one(s) you're trying to feed her.  My daughter, who is also 9 months, does this sometimes with peaches and then other times she'll gobble them up!

    If switching foods doesn't work, maybe she just doesn't want to be fed and would rather eat on her own.  Try giving her little bits of well-cooked vegetables or soft fruits to eat on her own when she's in this kind of mood.  Sounds like she's starting to learn how fun it is to feed herself!

  3. she is exploring the taste..i suggest u to use home food, like carrott u can use "magic bullet" or small blender and feed it...bananas too..anything u can try variety..u can also leave the crackers or leave something for her to bite herself on. Let her starve until she eats it, don't give up and feed her milk or baby puffs.

  4. Normal, I'm afraid!  Her tastes will change all the time.  It could be a flavor thing, or texture, or she could just be wanting attention--there's no way to know for sure!  Just keep trying.  At least she's eating!

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