
My 9 month old is not crawling yet, should I worry?

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he hates being on his tummy, he can roll but no crawling yet.




  1. My son was the same way, he just rolled all over the place.  I was a little nervous too, but everyone including the doctor said some babys don't crawl.  He started crawling at 12 months and now at 13 months is crusing around on the walls and furniture.  Don't worry he will catch up!

  2. I agree with the first answer, some kids just develop differently than the rest of the bunch. If he's not physically moving, try developing him visually or in his speech, try baby sign language or learning to bounce/roll balls.  

  3. My son had no interest in crawling until he was 10 months old and than one day he just pushed himself up and crawled off. It's also quite common for some babies to never crawl and just go straight to walking though. It's not something you need to worry about.

  4. No, not to worry. A lot of babies skip crawling and go straight to pulling up and walking!

  5. my little sister is 6 month old and she is scooting around, and can almost crawl.

    maybe you should ask his doctor. i'm sorry but i don't know too much about this. but if i was you, then i would definitely ask his doctor.  

  6. My son was 9 months when he crawled ... and both my daughters were crawling at 5 months ... I guess that goes to show that all babies are different :-)

  7. On the baby sites it says that 10 months is the common crawling time.

  8. My son was the same soon as you put him on his tummy it was like the world was going to end. then one day he just crawled. Kids do all these things in their own time. h**l get there when he is ready and you never know he might not crawl he might walk before crawling. Either way he will do it when he is ready to do it.

  9. I wouldn't stress. Our son started crawling (one creep at a time-very slowly) when he was 9 months old then one day BAM! he was following me all over the house like a rocket...2 days later he started pulling up on his crib rail and the very next day he was cruising all over the house!! Enjoy him not crawling while you can...I can't even pee without him banging on the door screaming 'mama! mama!' now!! He's 11 months old and trying to walk now. It'll go quickly. Enjoy it while  you can ;)

  10. Not all babies crawl they just go from sitting to standing and then waking only be concerned if he is falling behind in his other milestones.

  11. Don't worry some babies do start doing things late.  Is your baby at least trying and if you want to help your baby just put your baby on his/her stomach.  They usually try to crawl from that position.

  12. Developmental guidelines suggest that babies generally start 'commando' crawling (on their tummies) around 7 months, and properly crawling on hands and knees at 9-10 months. These are guidelines though, and give you an idea of when most babies will start doing things... there is definitely a wide variation on what is normal!

    Some babies skip steps altogether, or do things differently to the norm. For example, some do a "bum shuffle" where they move around in a sitting position because they don't like to be on their tummies. You never come across adults who didn't learn how to walk... your baby will get there in the end!

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