
My 9 weeks old p**p?

by Guest32606  |  earlier

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Why does my baby's p**p have little grains of sand in it? He was pushing all night, and when I wiped his butt this morning, there was only a little bit of p**p, but it had some course sandy looking things in it. He is exclusively breastfed, so I'm not sure if this is normal?




  1. if it looks like mustard seeds it is perfectly normal during breast feeding.  

  2. thats normal for exclusivly breastfed babies

  3. Being that you're breastfeeding it is normal for a BM that may look a little grainy, as long as there is some of the stool that is soft. Also as mentioned before he maybe constipated. Check what you're eating. If you're eating alot of cheese and milk based products that might cuase it. I know with my LO she was consitpated at about 2 months and i had to drink lots of apply juice and she finally went. Also don't get alarmed when they don't go every day either. I thought some thing was worng with my LO when she didn't go for two days. But it's normal.  

  4. this is normal. I'm exclusively breastfeeding and his looks like that. The pediatrician says that's normal poops but if you're worried about it then ask your doctor.

  5. It's totally normal.  This means they are digesting their milk/formula now.

  6. Its normal for BF'ing babies to have this kind of p**p. Actually I breastfed for about 3 weeks and my LO had this and months after starting formula she still had it.  

  7. If you are breastfeeding that's how it looks.  If he seems to be pushing too much, he may be constipated - try to eat some prunes or prune juice for him.

  8. i'm not sure , I never breast fed but, I don't think he should have been pushing all night . Babies don't have real solid bowel movements until they eat solid foods. You may want to ask the doctor just to be sure. Or is it possible he got a hold of something? Like play sand or a house plant or something ? Oh, nevermind, I forgot he was 9 WEEKS old! So that means NO ! My bad !! I guess that other person who mentioned the mustard seed is probably closer . Sorry ! but I would be more concerned about the pushing ! It may have just been gas too ! Don't know about the grains ! Sorry !

  9. go to the doctor im not one
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