
My 9 year old daughter has to deal with the"popular kids" already?

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has anyone with kids noticed that popular equals mean. all of the popular kids are so mean to everyone else. my daughter comes home from school and talks about who's popular and who's not and all of the kids she names are very rude,mean kids. is it the bully thing?? if kids can bully other kids everyone thinks they are cool. most of the time the parents think it's cool for their kids to pick on the weaker kids. my daughter is in a strange place right now, she's nice to everyone but sees how being mean can help your popularity. I am so scared she will become a mean kid. it is so hard to teach kids morals and values when they are spending all day at school with bullies. please share some ideas about how to talk to her about this. thanks




  1. You could tell her to treat other kids the way she would want to be treated. I know how the "popular" kids can be, but she needs to know it is ok to just be herself and not try to impress anyone just to fit in. The popular kids do this because they know they can get away with it and that itself gives them power. I tell my 7 yr old granddaughter if she ever encounters a bully. just stand up to them and don't give then that power over you.

  2. public school breeds a different kind of child as they are raised by disinterested parents.  consider other options like charter or private schools.

  3. That is normal. It's common for this to happen, especially if it's a public school. I am 13, but it never happened to be. I know a lot of popular people who pick on the other students, but the other students sort of ignore them.

    The only thing you can really do is to make her ignore them. If she answers back to them when they're harrassing her, it may land her into hotter water such as more frequent bullying happening. Most of the time, popular kids aren't really picking on them but I realize sometimes popular kids feel as if they have too much power. Maybe you can phone your child's teacher and ask her about having a little talk to the class about bullying and equality. You can ask her/him about your daughter's problem in school with it and see if her/him notices anything about it. Make sure to tell her/him if they not bring up your daughter problem with the kids who are bullying her to avoid anymore trouble between them.  

  4. I know the stereotypical popular kid is mean, but it's not always the case. This is something that your daughter will experience throughout her schooling years. I am 14 and i have gone through all of these stages and what i have learnt is that the so called 'popular kids' wont stay popular if they continue to bully the other kids. I would just let your daughter know that treating others the way she would like to be treated will make her more popular than those kids being mean. And eventually they will grow up. It's important that she isn't being badly treated because that can lead to insecurities and depression at a young age. If your daughter has a good friendship group it doesn't matter where they are in their popularity because it will all change as she grows up, as long as she is enjoying school it doesn't matter.

    i hope i helped, good luck.  

  5. Welcome to the real world. Iv dealt with that bullshit since I was little, she has to make a choise be a d**k and be cool or be nice and get walked over and be miserable. We all know where nice guys end up.

  6. Where does your daughter go to school?  Is it private or public?  Thankfully at age 10, my daughter is still not having this issue.  However, I think you should tell her that she is a leader and does not have to do what everyone else does.  It is more important to be your own person, than a follower with the so called popular kids.  

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