
My 9 year old daughter lies!!! How do I stop it! Please help!?

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My 9 year old daughter lies!!! How do I stop it! Please help!?




  1. Stop telling her the truth.  This will teach her the value of honesty, and how frustrating it is when the people you thought you could trust suddenly turn on you.  If this is not effective possibly get help from a child psychologist.  They would figure out the reason why your child cannot tell the truth.  Maybe she's a compulsive liar and she really has no control over what she's doing.

  2. You can take away her toys and privileges ,like no tv for a week or if she has an ipod you can take that away too.

    Send a note to her teacher to keep alert of any lying so that you can take care of it a t home. Also , tell your daughter that it is bad to lie and that good girls don't lie.

  3. well that's something that your going to have to stop ASAP!

    i don't know how you discipline you child or even what kind of lies she is telling. if it little silly stories that shes telling or if you know that she is lieing about people or something that could hurt her... well either way it bad some one thing you can try is what my mom did with us. she would stop me and my siblings in the little story's and say story telling is ok but telling a lie is NOT... she would look at me and be like (Jansen if you tell lies no moms and dads will want there kids to play with you because you lie...) i was like omg it really made us understand that lieing hurts other people to not just me. she also would say it hurt Jesus when you tell lies .. she was good about reminding us what was write and what was wrong so that wh couldn't "forget" good luck with your daughter and remember every child is different. Ive know moms that have had to spank the kids for lieing so that the child would understand how bad lieing what you have to do to make her understand how bad it is and that its not a good or even ok thing to do. (trust)

  4. My daughter used to do this and I would go along with her, just because I thought she was using her imagination.  I started seeing her do it a lot so I would call her on it.  If she said something I knew wasn't true I would say, It's okay to play like that just make sure you always come back and tell the truth.  It eventually stopped, or at least I think it

  5. whip her azz.

  6. that is a huge problem and some kids usually go through that but what you have to do is just let her have a taste of her own medicine. that should teach her a leasson. and if that dont work i do belive in spankins but not ABUSE.

    ok lets get real just ground her or something but if that dont work we could go with the first plan. lol

  7. Please don't lie back to her.

    My daughter went through that. She told me something, and I knew she was lying. I told her 'ok, that is really hard for me to believe, but I trust you and if that's what you are telling me, then I will believe you.' She eventually came back and told me the truth.

    The next time I caught her in a lie, I called her on it - 'since you lied to me before, I can't believe what you are telling me - and here's why.'  For a bit after that, whenever she told me something, I would question her and have a comment 'see, when you tell a lie, you make people doubt everything you say - that is why it is so important to tell the truth.

    I haven't had any trouble since.  I know she doesn't get it yet, but someone once gave me a piece of advice that has stuck with me since I was a teenager. 'When you tell someone a lie, from that moment on, that person has to make a choice - to either believe all of your lies, or doubt all of your truths.

  8. She needs to learn that you will not tolerate her lies.  Each time she is caught in a lie she needs to feel a loss (what is the most important to her?? time with friends, toys, etc.  Whatever it is take it away and she has to EARN it back by not lying for a prolonged period of time)  I would not lie to her that is  just juvenile.  parables mean nothing to a child who is getting away with lying.  DOes she lie about everything or just to coverup wrong doing?  Your daughter needs a good lesson in right versus wrong and how lies and bad choices lead to bad ramifications.  good luck  it will be a long process but if you do not help her she will have an very unhappy adulthood.  no one wants to be friends with a liar and no  one will hire a liar.

  9. I agree, don't lie back to her.  That will just teach her to keep on lying because everyone is a liar.  Punish her.  Explain how important truth is.  Maybe you have an example of a time you told a lie in your own life?  Ask her the reason she tells lies.  Does she think she's not good enough?  Is she trying to get attention?  Reassure her that you love her for herself, just the way she is and if she needs attention, all she has to do is tell you.  If she continues to lie, more drastic measures will be needed.

  10. best way is to lie also like for everything just lie you know be like im going to do this and then dont when she question it tell her you were lying

    then when you lie you should wipe her butt if she falls for it

  11. there are many ways:

    1. Lie to her back about something important to teach her

    2. Reward her for telling the truth

    3. The story of Peter and the Wolf, but use modern day things, like House on Fire and the 9 year old girl couldn't get help.

  12. she is old enough to know right from wrong and you should reprimand her each and every time she lies.  Explain to her why it is wrong and why she should not do it.  

    Do NOT lie to your child as others have suggested (how absurd!).  She needs to know it is wrong and you have to lead by example.

    If she has a vivid imagination, have her channel her stories in a new direction by writing them down, but let her know the difference between fact and fiction.  

    Good for you for noticing this as a problem and doing something about it!  She will be grow and learn from this as you teach her this important lesson - honesty is an extremely important value and characteristic to possess.

    God bless you!

  13. The next time she you catch her in a lie, forgive her

    and tell her there will be no punishment this time,

    as she is walking away  grab her and put her over your

    lap and give her a spanking.

    Tell her sorry, I lied too.

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