
My 9 year old had this dream?

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that we were all in this house and this woman came to live with us. She thru us in the basement to live. than a man was with the lady and now she had a 3rd eye in the middle of others. She was evil like. Then her father (my husband) grab her and the rest of us followed and we escaped.

This dream was like over a year ago but it stuck in my mind.




  1. Are you Christian, or is your child like that of the real Christians? (doesn't have to be affiliated with them) It sounds like it may be a type of prophecy, something related to the w***e of Babylon. If it is, then your husband may seem he is seduced but uses this 2faced/moment of weakness appearance to save his family.

  2. Your daughter's dream is basically a nightmare that probably stems from some domestic upset of some sort.

    Children her age can develop all kinds of anxieties and this one centers around your household plus these interlopers who gain access and control for some reason.  Of course the woman's image is fanciful - children have wonderful imaginations that can work against them in such dreams.  Where there may be fear of someone coming in to the home to help in some way, or fear of the prospect of that happening, 'evil' can be attached to 'unknown', and the image becomes bizarre.  Is there some prospect of others coming into the home to have some involvement with your family?

    Not only does the third eye represent something inhuman and perhaps evil in nature, it is also as if the woman is super-powered to control all of you.  She seems in charge, almost as an authority - but cruel in that.  The man joins her - apparently to help keep you captive.  The basement may represent not only a place of confinement, but a symbol of a low point in the family's situation.  Something has left this child in fear of the family's prospects, however unfounded it may be.

    Whether her father was in the basement with you all or suddenly appears is not clear, but he suddenly has the power to remove you all from there.  She sees him as one who either is capable, or wishes to see him this way - what is his role here?  

    Youngsters who are or fear being separated from a parent for some period of time can get into these things through ordinary fears growing out of proportion.  If the father is or anticipated to be off in the service or estranged the child can become insecure.  This can be compounded when there is some thought of others stepping in to assume some measure of control.  That may even involve perfectly harmless people but whom the child sees as 'odd' in some way - and the imagination couples with fear and weaves the tale.

    Of course we see this all the time for many reasons, it is just an unfortunate fact in the life of many families for all kinds of reasons.  If this is the case the parent still at home has worse than 'double duty' - all the insecurities fall into his or her hands to deal with in addition to shouldering the other 'normally' shared tasks and responsibilities.  

    Things may be perfectly secure and fine, but the child may hold an insecurity and your job is much tougher because you find yourself chief counselor to help them understand things are OK.  Add to that the things that a single parent does to try to fill the gap - and consider that the child can witness the struggle the one parent goes through... and there's a vicious cycle in the thing at some point.

    Of course you will have to consider these things in the context that you know, but they are suggested by what you've shared.  That this happened over a year ago may mean whatever 'crisis' your daughter felt is past now, you'd have to judge that.  If you find something like this on your hands you need to sit down with her and just talk about things as kindly and plainly as you can to help her understand why things are as they are - and why all of you will really be OK.  

    You need her help in this as much as she needs yours, if this is the case.  If more help is needed (assuming this is somehow the case afterall) then some professional counseling is probably needed - and can help.

    I hope some of this may help.

    All the best to you.


    Having seen what you've added here there may an additional point or two worth considering.

    First, I'm very sorry for the circumstance of your husband's leaving and that you are left as caretaker for these children.  That's a very difficult responsibility as I've noted already, and it is compounded by the somewhat predictable notions your daughter has expressed in her dreams.

    Are you still communicating with your husband?  Is he supportive at all?  If so, and if he cares about your children, there's probably more he could do to help you assure your children, especially your little girl that while things are not as they'd like, things can be OK and they will be safe.

    I cannot speak to the spiritual notions with any authority - that would depend on your own faith.  If one does believe in satanic forces that use dreams, one may also realize that the very devil can be in and use most anything at all.  

    Dreams, like many things, may be misinterpreted and actions applied in harmful ways as if one is 'told' to do something.  That may be of the spirit in some negative way, but it is without a doubt bad and of something less than good about a person's mind.  I'm not sure that your daughter is afflicted in such a manner - she seems to have predictable anxieties that manifest in what may seem very bizarre imagery - again, something children do under these circumstances.

    It truly does seem to be a dream that is much driven by anxieties she has - and now it is clear your husband is somehow in the middle of it all.  By his grabbing her and the rest of you following it seems she sees him as one who can deliver you from trouble.  Unless he's allied with the 'evil woman' in this, that's how she may see him.

    Conversely - could this woman who intrudes and throws you all into the basement be associated with your husband in some way?  Has he implied that he would 'keep' the home - and perhaps in a way that made the children anxious about your and their own futures?  If so, the woman may represent something negative your daughter sees in his new relationship.  The three-eyed woman does not sound attractive (well, with three eyes...) - could she relate to a domineering relative of the other woman, perhaps a mother?  Could the other man with her be her husband?  

    If your kids have visited in your husband's new circumstance there's no telling what they make of the other woman's family - there may be fright involved with a fear of the whole family's future.  Remember, this was a nightmare, not something 'rational' but based on tidbits of rational and irrational information.  

    Could there have been some talk that made your daughter feel as though her 'real' family is being intruded upon, and that if she herself were not made to feel so welcome, what would become of you and her sibling?  It could be as if thrown in the basement and put away from the others.

    Then your husband's role in grabbing her and leading her away is not so clear, except that one disturbing notion comes to mind: did your daughter see herself being led away by him as if she weren't welcome, and the rest of you following on a march away from what 'belongs' to her father somehow?  

    I don't know the context between father and daughter here except that he left not only you, but his children, for another woman.  How he behaves and what he communicates - verbally and by action or implication - is vital to how your kids see him, you, themselves and your future as a family.  

    I am left feeling that somehow your daughter has gotten many negative messages from him in different ways and this comes together as an invasion by others who now are part of her father, but not the rest of you.  She herself may wish to be welcome with him, but may not feel that way.  This may be for good reason - or she may just be quite sensitive and in need of some reassurance from each of you, if your husband can rise to the task of allying with you for her sake.

    Many details - and much context that I truly do not know.  You would have to consider these things and decide how they may fit.  But the stream of information from that dream plus what you've added suggests a 'takeover' in your daughter's mind - by others now relating to your husband, outside the family she knows.  It involves her relegation to imprisonment until 'daddy gets home', then only to be led away, al of you in tow - evicted not only from the home she depends on, but from him as well.  He's let her down in a big way so far as I can tell, and now the pain and fear of that has led to the dream.

    And now that it is dissected, such as I can do - consider too that it 'was only a dream' - and if it 'was' but no longer 'is', perhaps it is indeed past and things will improve.  Your husband may be a rat in some ways, but perhaps he's better than I've described for your kids - if deeply flawed (yes, this Christian will make THAT kind of judgment about behavior).

    In that you are a professing Christian, do use the strength of faith to help you when other things fail.  No, I've never really seen a mountain move before my eyes, but I know of times when I and others around me have definitely been carried through times that seemed to leave little good future.  There can be comfort in the love you find there - keep it at center even when other things fall apart - it can help you use your own God-given mind and talents as the time comes.

    I'm very sorry for what has happened - those things really bother and you have much on your hands.  If she's still hurting, talk to the girl about things and help her understand that others cannot just march in and steal her life away.  You may find some acitivities for her that help offset the absence of her father - church, school, library, sports - many things are out there.  I'm sure you know that quite well, I just mean to encourage.

    So much about a 'dream'... but I hope some of it may help a bit.

    All the best to you and yours.

  3. You are giving me nightmares.

  4. lol to the guy about the prophecy.  Don't listen to that.  If you are Christian just pray over your daughter before she goes to bed.  Does she watch TV?  Could be something she saw there.

    Spiritually, and I'm a Christian, I talked to my Pastor's wife about  my dreams and she told me that the devil uses our dreams and subconscious sometimes to attack us.  Its usually targeted at the weaker members of the family such as kids.  He tries to throw us off or scare us.  I'd say just pray before you all go to sleep.  My husband prays over our entire house before we go to bed each night.  That's it.

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