
My 9 year old son acts like a teenager?

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I have a 9 year old son who sometimes acts like a teenager. He has such an attitude with us. When I ask him to do something he will mumble under his breath as he is walking away. He is pretty verbal with his emotions. He tells us when he is happy, sad, mad, everything. Please let me know what you think




  1. Well I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. He just acts more grown up maybe cause he smarter than average 9 year olds. I know that may sound strange if he is doing unwanted things but he is still acting like somebody who would be older than he really is. Being verbal with your emotions isn't really a bad thing in my opinion, actually more of the opposite. I think its a good thing that he expresses whats on his mind.

  2. I don't think he's acting like a teenager.  He's acting like a 9 year old that hasn't quite learn how to express himself.  He believes that no one knows how he is feeling, so he has to say "I AM MAD!"  A teenager doesn't normally say they are mad, you just know.  Your son seems normal.  He is human, so allow him to express all his emotions, don't deny him this.  Instead, teach him ways to deal with different emotions, tell him it is normal to be mad when such and such.  Probably better to talk to him after he cools down.  Ask what made him mad.  Explain that you get mad too but this is what you do about it.  This way he learns that feeling emotional is normal, but we learn to deal with it.

    Of course if he says he is happy, ask "Wow!  You're happy today.  What are you happy about?"  So acknowledge the positive emotions.

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