
My 9 year old son loves nature and animals?

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He wants to be a zoo keeper or vet when he is grown up.

I would like to find ideas how I could help and promote this in after school activities.

This means after 6 PM as then I am finished with work and I would like to do something with him to support his enthusiasm.

He already spends most school holidays in local zoos.

Some splendid ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.




  1. 4-H or agri-science(FFA) is a good way to start.

  2. look up a local Spiral Scouts group.

  3. My daughter and I volunteered at an animal shelter.we walked the dogs and other simple tasks. They are always looking for volunteers and most allow young children to volunteer with an adult.

    We both really enjoyed it.

    Im not sure where you live but the different zoos and animal parks have programs for kids to attend that are very fun. they give kids oppertunities to feed the animals and observe other zoo keeping activities.

    Maybe he could also help elders by walking their dogs.

  4. yeah me to.  what we do is,  We live on a farm, so he has plenty of animals to care for,  but he also volunteers at the local animal shelter 2 days a week.  No big deal he cleans cages and helps feed and stuff like that.  

    We have a really nice walking trail near our house, we go hiking and  take our camera and a note book with us.  any wild life we come across we take pictures of and he writes down what date the type of animal and what he observed the animal or insect doing.

    his TV time is usually used to watch animal planet.

    His computer time is used to look up information on animals and he writes a report on it.   You would be amazed how much a child wants to do research if they are interested in the subject.  

    Another thing he loves to do is to go down to the stream every day.  he takes his note book and he writes down any changes.  measures the depth,  the temp of the water,  the visual apearance, and what wild life he sees.

    His intrest in amimals has opened up a world of once in a life times for our family.   On vacation this year,  we went up north to the UP.    While we are there we camp near the animal preserves.   We have experienced  elk in the wild,  Two moose going to the river for a drink.  it is amazing to sit and watch them in the wild.  

    Just make sure he knows the rules  to sit quietly,   don't get to close to any wild animal,   and to leave  if  the animal notices him and appears to feel threatened.  

    My son likes to ride horses,  he raises animals to enter in the county fair.  He belongs to 4 H  which is a wonderful program to learn how to raise, and care for animals.

  5. do you live near a national park. Talk to the rangers, they may have some kids programs they do

  6. Cub Scouts


    Having pets

  7. get a pet or get a video game that has to do with animals or buy tv shows that would teach him about animals.

  8. get him a small animal to take care of and help him learn all about it or you and him can go to the adopt an animal site like for dolphins or tigers and see what the zoo has to offer for kids he may be able to help hands on like feedings or cleaning .monkeys are fun to explore their life styles. you can also do his room in animals and get a doctors kit so he can ''heal'' them when they are sick .

  9. Pick a different animal every month and just totally learn everything you can about that animal.  Make that the theme of crafts you do together, draw pictures, do puppets, look for books at the library, search the net for articles, etc.  Maybe you can decorate his pancakes in the morning with that animal or cupcakes/cakes.  The sky is the limit to what you could do.  Keep a scrapbook with pages of your favorite findings.

  10. If you live near a large city, there are programs for children at the zoo.  My children have taken some courses there and have even SLEPT OVER!!!

    another suggestion is that he may be able to be a guide at a local animal shelter.  Find one that is no kill so he doesn't have to get upset when he falls in love with an animal.  He could be a great mascot for the shelter.

    Finally wouldn't it be a great community service if he were to start an organization where children would give a portion of their birthday money to help feed unwanted animals in shelters.  It could be a really great project.  And if it grows, would look great on his college application.

  11. What about feeding/minding neighbours pets when they are away.  He may bit a bit young to do this entirely himself but if you are willing to help then how about breeding, budgies/birds, guinea pigs, or buy him a pet he can show. Maybe set up an aquarium together.   He is only 9 and although it's great he has such an interest make sure he isn't missing out on having a go at other things like sport, drama, a musical instument etc. He will probably keep his passion for animals all his life but he should be doing other stuff too.

  12. Perhaps you could help him start a small reptile enclosure at home. Some larger lizards make great pets. My son used to have a pet rat and she was absolutely adorable. As your son grows and becomes more responsible he could take on more small pets. Who knows, perhaps he may become the next Steve Irwin?

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