
My 96 Saturn SL1 jumps at first when I put it in reverse.

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And only when I put it in reverse. Drives fine otherwise. Also, sometimes the check engine light will come on and then when it does the RPMS jump and the car revs when I try and accelerate, yet if I disconnect the battery and reconnect it, the car runs like nothing ever happened. I've driven cars where the tranny was goin out and it wasn't the same as this. I haven't had routine maintanence done in awhile... what could this be?




  1. well, the car computer senses there is a problem somewhere so its increasing the rpms to compensate. when you unplug the battery, it erases the computers memory, but that will soon return. the reverse thing is probably just a fault in the transmission, as long as you can drive it youre fine. my saturn has had a few problems with the idle control system. take it to an auto parts store and theyll diagnos the check engine light for you and tell you what the problem is

  2. The reverse thing could also be motor mounts.  To check that have someone move the transmission between drive and reverse (make sure the e-brake is on) while you watch the engine.  If it moves back and forth by a significant amount, they are bad.

  3. "Disconnect the Battery & Reconnect!?" Besides the possible motor mounts it sounds like an "ECM or ECU" Problem.

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