
My 9month old son is having lose motion for last three days.please tel me a home made medicine ?

by  |  earlier

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also plz tel wat kind of food to give




  1. Is he feverish at all, or any signs of illness or dehydration, like slow down in urine output, maybe not wetting his nappy for 6 hours or having dry eyes or a sunken look? if so it's best to see a doctor.

    Otherwise I'd give him little sips of sugar water as often as possible and keep him off food for a day or two, maybe just dry toast, but continue with his baby milk. I wouldn't leave it much longer without seeing a doctor tho'

  2. mashed bannanas are the best thing you can give.  

  3. not 100% sure what lose motion is but if it's loose stools, then a natural full fat yoghurt with some mashed banana is great. stay away from things like fruit juices, grapes and raisins. make sure his bottom is well protected with frequent nappy changes and barrier cream.

  4. sounds serious

  5. Give him lots of fluid. Mashed banana with yogurt and must see the Dr.

    May god give him a health!

  6. just make sure he is getting enough fluid, see a doctor!!

  7. what is "lose motion"???  call the pediatrician and skip the home made meds.

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