
My 9yr old Son's fish died. Should I tell him or replace it before he notices?

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My 9yr old Son's fish died. Should I tell him or replace it before he notices?




  1. I agree with the tell him and replace it answers.

    He might as well get used to losing things now.

  2. Well if your son is 9 years old you should just tell him the truth.But if you know that he was very very close to the fish then just replace before he notices.If not then just tell him and then offer to get him a new pet.


  3. im 10 and it were up to me , id rather be told.

    anyway , he will notice that its a different fish eventually and he will be angry with you for lying!

  4. Put the dead one under his pillow....then film his reaction!!! hehe priceless!

  5. Tell him.   Go to the library and look up the type of fish.  Let him know that some have a very short life.  He is at the age that he can understand death and not take it to badly.  Let him know that you will buy him another if he wants.

  6. tell him first .....then he will tell u what to do?


    (or anyone else)

  8. just to save your self from having to tell him about life and death at this moment I would replace it! I know a little boy that found out his cat died and thought every day he was going to die cause the cat died!!  So yeah I would just go ahead and replace it cause you dont want him asking you every time something goes wrong if he is going to die like the fish!!

    You know kids they think and ask the craziest things cause your mommy!!

    Good Luck!

  9. tell him and then replace it.

  10. It's important for children to recognise death. Why not sit him down explain what happened and then ask if he wants to go out with you and choose a new fish? Although he may be sad, it is a learning experience and children shouldn't be protected from reality. Make finding a new fish with him fun and enjoyable.

  11. Can't shelter him forever, It would be a good opportunity for you to explain death to him, its a part of life.

  12. definitely tell him

  13. At 9 years old...definitely tell him. Then simply take him out and look for a new one.  9 year olds are more intelligent and thick skinned than 9 year olds of 20 years ago, he will be fine.

    9 year olds these days are exposed to violence and death on TV, in video games etc....they are much more desensitized to DEATH than you think.  Especially a simple fish.

  14. Yes u should tell him about it.  It is a natural part of life and he will appreciate u in the long run.  And afterwards go and get him so more fish.

  15. he is not too young to understand. tell him the truth

  16. Tell him. Its better than lying and he will learn from the experience that everything dies.

  17. replace it, throw another one in there as well

  18. tell him, he is going to have to find out about life and death some time or another!

  19. tell your son that he did a bad job and now it died.

  20. Tell him but let him help pick out a new one.  It's a good way to teach about life and death and responsibility without it being too traumatic and overwhelming.  Keep any explanations simple.

  21. I would think he is old enough to understand that the fish died.

    Tell him the fish went to fishy heaven or he went out to swim with all his other fishy friends.

    Tell him that the fish will always be remembered and the fish will always remember him.

    Then take him with you to pick a new pet fish!!

  22. He's 9, he will be upset but I bet you he understands more than you know. Plus what are you going to do when someone close to him dies? Replace them too? Death is natural and he needs to understand that

  23. tell him - he needs to learn about life and death!

  24. He can handle something like that at age 9; it's better for him to know the truth instead of thinking that fish and animals liver forever.  Tell him that God created each type of creature, including fish, to live different lifespans.   It seems that this fish had lived out his life and was his time to die.   You might even ask your son if he'd like another fish or perhaps something else to put in the aquarium.   That could be fun and seem like a little adventure.

  25. replace it.

  26. Death is a fact of life he will eventually have to deal with, this is what goldfish are all about.

  27. depends on the boys conection to the fish. If he was really close with it(somehow) then you shouldn't make it to hard on him, but if it was just a fish tell him and ask him if he wants a new one

  28. tell him so he learns how to do it better the next time

  29. Come on. 9? you have to let you child now this stuff. he is old enough! just talk to him about it and say you will get him a new one. SIMPLE

  30. replace it

  31. He's old enough. Just tell him and get a new one.

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