
My 9yr old boy???

by Guest59864  |  earlier

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He will play with children at school who are younger then him. Even when he is at home he will not play with my 12 and 7yr old sons but he will play with my 3yr old twins(b and g). He has special needs but not very bad. He just learns a little slower and cant pay attention. Should i try to get him to play with his brothers and kids his own age, or let him be. I dont want him to act like a little kids.WHat should i do?




  1. let him play with them. He'll soon realize that he is different (older) from them and try to find some kids the same age

  2. If he is more comfortable playing with children that are younger than him, let him.  After all, playing is supposed to be fun.  I'm sure your 3 year old twins appreciate it.  Just because he is special needs, doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to choose with whom he plays with.  And, just because he prefers it now, doesn't mean he will later.  Let him be.  Actually, enjoy the fact that he does pay attention to younger children.  Most kids his age won't even play with babies for a few minutes( I have to make my 9yr. old play with my 2 yr. old)

    You will probably find that he will have a kind heart, and may always be kinder to younger children, & that's a great trait.

    Good Luck

  3. Let him play with whoever he wants.

  4. maybe you should eat lunch at his school one day and see who he hangs out with in his class. Then you can ask him if he wants to invite so&so and so&so over to stay the night. maybe even take them to a cool place. Maybe your two other sons are mean to him and thats why he's hanging out with the twins. Also younger kids seem to pay attention to the things you do and maybe your 9 year old just likes being looked up to. I prefer to play w/ my younger bro over my older sis most of the time.

  5. Let him be.  I would interpret his attraction to the young as kindness and confidence building.  He will have plenty of interaction with his own age in school.

  6. Maybe he just likes to goof off and likes to make people laugh. Its easier to make a 3 y/o laugh than it is a 7 or 9 or even 12 year old. So you should probably just let him make friends with whomever he is most comfortable being friends with. He will be fine.

  7. let him do what he wants, he will soon realize that he doesnt fit in with them and find some kids his age to play with

  8. let him,im 12 and i play with lil kids sometimes,there easier to make laugh,fun,and fun to entertain and play with,you have an easier way to make friends,so let him be,when he's ready he'll go with kids his age

  9. My sister in law is mildly autistic and even though she is very bright and can do everything any other 12 year old can do but she prefers to play with younger kids like 5 and below. She is just more comfortable with younger kids. Don't pressure him to play with different kids when he is ready he'll move on

  10. Leave him alone, he doesn't have a problem, He simply enjoys being around younger children.  He obviously is more comfortable with them.

  11. My 9 y.o daughter can not relate to the children her age. When my 10 y.o neices come over they wind up playing with her 7 y.o sister.

    She often resorts to playing by herself or with her 3 y.o sister. I also find myself wondering what I can do to help her make friends or just play with kids her own age.

    You can talk to him about ways to play with the ones his age. But he may not be able to do it... like my daughter. It doesn't seem to matter what I do... Shes just not ready to move up that level with her peers.
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