
My 9yr old wont let me cut his hair,,, would u do it in his sleep?

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my son has always had short hair,,, but has stopped letting me cut it,, its now this huge mullet with sideburns cos its growing all over

he wont even let me trim the sides,,, im so tempted to just chop here and there whil;e he sleeps

the principal told me to cut his hair in the back as its getting too long,,,, but he still wont let me so i have to pony tail it daily 4 school daily

how am i ever gonna let him agree to a haircut????

it dosent help that friends and even the teacher comment on how cool his hair is,,, but as the weeks go by he is looking freakier as it grows,,lol

what would u do if that was your son? [i know im the adult but he is soooooo stubborn and im starting to lose my patience]




  1. Unless the school is requiring that his hair be cut (which you could explain to him) I would let it go.  My son is 7 and he loves his hair short, although I prefer it long, so I take him for regular hair cuts.  This is not an issue of safety or integrity... so I wouldn't make a mountain out of a mullet! LOL

  2. What's wrong wih long hair? I think my 12 year old looks's his pic..

  3. Who is the parent here, you or him? You tell him that it is getting cut, and either a barber can do it or you will do it. If he throws a fit, have your husband hold him down so you can do it.

  4. Uh, no on the whole sleep issue.  If he wakes up and freaks and you've got scissors and who knows where they'll end up.

    Second, he's nine!  For heaven's sake, you are the adult.  Take him to a barber shop and COMPROMISE.  Tell him it is going to be shaped up but your willing to let him keep some length.

  5. Take him to get his hair done at a salon, you and your husband can hold him down while it gets cut if you have to.

  6. It just hair - I wouldn't worry about it. he is just trying to show his own individuality. I would let it grow. Or you could try to take into a hair dresser shop and let him look at pictures of other hairstyles and see if he likes any of them.

  7. ok, HE'S 9!!!!! NOT 19!! tell him, "you're getting you're hair cut, and i don't care if you don't like it." you tell him what to do, not the other way around! have a backbone!!!

  8. When did your 9 year old become the parent in your house?   You take him to the barber and have his hair cut period.  You don't ask permission.  

  9. No, I wouldn't cut it in his sleep. There'd be a huge loss of trust between you two.

    If I were you, I'd schedule him a haircut and then sit down and explain to him why you want him to get a haircut. Kids often respond better when they know you've got an actual reason, you're not just being mean old mom. If he continues to resist after that, I've found that, "Nope, case closed. I'm the mom, you're the 9-year-old. We're going to get your haircut after school on Tuesday, so start thinking of some styles you might want," works well for me ;)

  10. Take him to the barber shop and get it cut.  Even if he's kicking and screaming the whole time, so be it.  You're the parent and when you say its time for a haircut, its time for a haircut.  I'm sure you could compromise on the style, but he at least needs a trim.  End of discussion.

    Don't let a 9 year old child get the best of you.  Stick to your guns and remember who's boss.

  11. Longer, shaggier surfer-looking hairstyles are really popular with kids his age right now. I'd leave it- that's what's in style! If everyone is always telling him how cool it looks then it's probably something that makes him feel good about himself too and I wouldn't want to take that away from him. I mean, c'mon- it's just hair. Is it really THAT big of a deal? Maybe you can compromise and tell him he can keep it long ONLY if he'll go willingly to get it trimmed so it's neat & clean-looking. Think Zach & Cody from the Disney Channel. See pic.

  12. No, don't cut it in his sleep.  For one thing, I can't imagine this would turn out very even.

    Tell him you're cutting his hair, and lay down the consequences if he refuses to cooperate (take away privleges, etc.)  

  13. I don't have kids, but...what's wrong with the kid having long hair?  Big whoop.  He doesn't want his hair long as he's bathing and brushing his teeth, let it go.  My boyfriend has long hair, and his parents started letting him grow it out when he was a child--he's 25 now, and it's a personal decision.  Maybe he wants to be a rock star or something.  

  14. take him to a barber shop that knows how to deal with kids. sometimes they have like a toy seat that looks like a car and they make him feel comfortable so he wouldn't freak out. they know how to handle children

  15. Tell him that body cleanliness and presentation arent subject to changing fashions and that his hair should be short.  You can bargain with him in letting him pick a style as long as its short for this first time around.  Talk to the school principal and ask him to help you by calling him into the office and letting him know that his hair must be cut by next week or something, Im sure there is somekind of school policy you can grab to.  Kids are stubburn, but Im convinced that if you pick your fights and if you let them have some say in things they come along.  Whatever you do, dont chop it off in his sleep.  Its disrespectful and could prove dangerous.

  16. Losing your patience may be the answer.  If you let him make his own decisions at 9, what will he be doing at 16.  Down the road you will be asking how do I remove a tatoo from a teenager.  Take control before you lose it completely.

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