I appreciate those of you who have tired to help me. I am the one with one unit out and the upstairs is warm. I did check the breakers and the filters are clean. I am in Texas and its horribly hot without a/c. We called the guy who had our condensor unit installed last Aug. and he is giving us a hard time. Actually, this is the 2nd time this summer is has had something wrong with it. It is a York 3 1/2 ton 13 seer outside. It just had a starter ignition thing go out in June and now not working at all and he shouldn't be charging because is is not even a year old. Most a/c people around here, if they fix something this big have a warranty on parts and labor for at least 1 year. The manufacturer warranty is 5 years, but this guy is a general contractor and he won't tell us who put our condensor in. We had a tornado hit us last year, so thats why it is so new, but our home is still only 2 1/2 years old. I hope you are right about the upstairs being hot because of the downstairs being out.