
My African friend from work invited me to Ghana for a holiday this summer for a few months

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I didn't go through with it because I was worried about my personal security... is it dangerous for a white person to go to a central African country? I am worried that I will stand out and the locals will think that I have money etc... will try to scam me at best or put a gun to my head and send a ransom demand to my family for my corpse... I wanted to go because I like this type of holiday, cheap life, women, beaches etc.... and I have lived in some rough countries of the world, but I look at things realistically and I thought the risks were too great to go... my friend says it is OK but he is a bit of a psycho so I don't trust him with serious decisions... I am wondering, has anyone been to this part of the world, what is it like?




  1. All rubbish. Ghana is not Central but West Africa and is quite safer than Liverpool. And there are laws and stuff but unfortunately all the media is interested in showing are a few rural areas. Which is part of your brainwashing. For some reason they want you to think the way you do and feel superior so your economic realities dont bite too hard. Put it like this, for many years white people have been flocking to Africa and the one thing they will all tell you is the freedom and beauty they found and they dont wanna come back. In fact, very few do.

    Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Gabon, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, etc are all full of white people who live there.

  2. Don't go... I hate to sound racist but stick with your own race... People look out for people who remind them of there family or close friends.  It's not racist if you prefer your own race or to be around white people, if you were black you would be more accepted in a black neighborhood.

    That is just wrong of them to ask you... I wouldn't want to bring my close black friend around a straight white community and I know they are Klan's of the kkk? right!

  3. wtf

    you're like Paris Hilton. is Ghana even in Central Africa. it's in west Africa. and it's a beautiful country. they won't do anything because it's gonna be a city and you'll see more whites around. and i don't know who told you it's cheap life. things aren't going to be too tuff there. and besides. most people fall in love with that country. remember Africa is a continent not a country. Ghana is one of the richest and most developed-well sorta-oh and blood diamond wasn't even close to Ghana and was a long time ago. people like to exaggerate about Africa. it's not like you imagine. racism won't even matter.

    who the **** told you there no laws in Africa. don't believe all you hear in the news. it's not a hazard for whites. nothing close. you'll just be another person there. don't flatter yourself.

  4. i am a Ghanaian and will advise you not to go. to start with i thought you could have used your computer to source information before posting such an absurd question. honestly speaking, i do not think you will fit in the friendliest country in Africa because you will stand out as a scum.

  5. GO, GO, GO to Ghana, the savest and most friendly country in West Africa, the first producer of good mood, the happiest land in Africa.

    Who told you there is no law in Africa?

    I am an Italian and I would tell you not to come to Italy if you scare of possible dangerous situations, but Ghana is ok!

    There is a lot to see, to do, to live in that country.

    Go and enjoy.

    Take the same precautions you take anywhere, beware of unknown people, have care of hygiene, do not provoke indigenouses with unmannered behaviour, just that.

  6. African people really are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet!  

    I've never been to Ghana, but from what i hear it is a safe enough place to visit.  Presumably you would be in a the capital city, or at least in areas where other tourists visit rather than out in some back and beyond rural village, in which case you would have no problems.  You will not be the only white person in Ghana, plenty of people visit there for work or holidays.  As long as you take basic precautions (i.e. don't carry lots of money or valuables around)  you should be absolutely fine.  

    I travel often to Uganda and Kenya, and have also visited Rwanda, and I have never felt threatened in any way.  Occasionally (when in very poor, rural areas) you will get asked for money from people, but i Have never been scammed, or had a gun put to my head.  

    You say you have lived in some 'rough' countries of the world - which ones?  They really can't be that rough if you are too scared to visit Ghana!

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