
My American (from Italian decent) family is visiting Rome and Tuscany in early October.....should I learn....?

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To speak some Italian? Can you communicate okay? I certainly want to be as hospitable as possible.




  1. be proud  Italian  show  them  some  italics  it  is  not  to  hard  besides  is  the  sweetest  language !!

  2. I'm sure people get around when they visit without knowing the language because there are so many tourists...but if you only spoke Italian and you were coming to America, would you try to learn a little English to get by...more than likely. If you are from Italian decent I'm guessing maybe someone in your family knows Italian...learn some courteous words and phrases you might need just to get around. My point is, if I were you, and nobody that you are going with speaks Italian, I would try to learn a little before you go, but it is up to you. People travel all over the world without knowing anything but English, but its always a sign of respect. You are going to their country, you know? Have fun! =)

  3. Hello

    I would suggest learning the very basics. (ex.please,thank you,bathroom,anything necessary to get you around town)

    The past two times i went I had listened to Learn Italian on tape before I flew out, which helped me a ton. I was able to get around and take the buses,and order my food and it was just nice to be able to communicate. I noticed that many Italians don't speak much English,although they know a few words occasionally.

    Hope this helps

    Have a wonderful trip,Italy is so beautiful!

  4. As Italian my advice is to remember that those of us have studied English, normally is a scholar English and nearer the UK's one. So as someone said, speak slowly and try to use the appropriate verb without using composed ones full of 'out, off, away, in, etc.', so also for 'get, got, etc.'. Remember that more than 50% of the UK's English words derive from Latin, so if you say to get away, may be anyone understand you, but if you use 'to escape', that is similar to Italian 'scappare' and you have more possibility. Yes, you can try to learn some little Italian, that is good for all you'll meet, and always remember that Italians know to speak also with the hands, that's a facility for you if you try to. Quiet every verb you can mime with hands and face, overall material actions: to drink, eat, go, come, telephone, sleep, enter, exit, run, walk, etc., etc., etc. Ciao and wishes.

    And sorry for my little English.

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