
My Arab horse carries her head too high...should I use training aids?

by  |  earlier

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My Arab horse does not lower her head when I ask and has a huge dip in her neck. It's very unsightly and I would like to build up some muscle there. Is this possible? She is a stargazer and I believe that this is the cause. I tried to lower her head in saddle but she doesnt respond to me. How do I fix this? Would a chambon or de gogue work? Everyone always says have your horse push from the rear but HOW?? I don't know HOW to do that!!! PLEASE EXPLAIN!! Thanks!




  1. I would try using a standing martingale to get her to lower her head. To get your horse to push from the rear sit back in the saddle keep a tight outside rein(not too tight) and tickle with your inside rein to let her know that you want her head. If she still doesn't respond halt her and turn her head to touch your toe until she realeses pressure then loosen the reins do this on each side. Good luck :)

  2. You could try a martin gale.

  3. try using a martingale! they are designed to keep your horse from doing that exact thing.

  4. if you want to build muscle up in her neck try using a martingale while youre riding around your barn.. it also will make it more comfortable for them to lower their head later on because they have the muscle to support it.

  5. Thank goodness there is one responsible answer here.  The last thing you do with a horse conformed this way is use a martingale.  This horse has already built muscle on the underside of the neck that needs to be reduced if the horse is ever going to work correctly.

    This horse will benefit by doing the right exercises to develop lengthening through the neck and prevent him from bracing against your hands.  If you don't work on developing the back, loins, and abdominal muscles, the horse will never achieve collection, will lean on the bit, and curl its nose back into it's chest in "false" collection.

    You should do lateral flexion exercises, having him rotate his nose around to touch your toe (or, in ground work, his side).  This will soften the poll and make him more sensitive to your hands.

    Ride with your pelvis deep in the saddle, and thrust your weight forward with his movement, while using strong leg cues to drive his hindquarter under him, and make him reach forward with his legs.  Keep doing that until you feel him elevating his back, and lifting his this point his head will come down and begin to balance...keep only light contact on the bit, and let him maintain forward impulsion.

    This should be worked on every day, on the lightest snaffle bit, and with no artificial aids.

  6. A martingale should never be used to force a horse's head down! All that will accomplish is a FORCED position of the head. If you use one, it should be adjusted so the horse cannot throw their head up, but not so that it will hold their nose down. To ask your horse to relax their head, gently give and take with each rein at a halt. Once she lowers he head even one inch, stop and praise her. then do it again. Eventually she will get the idea. From there, try it at a walk. Once she gets calm and relaxed at the walk, try the trot. Some horses do better with circles. I have a high headed horse too (he is 1/2 Arabian) and it takes a lot of time and patience for them to learn to relax their head. When a horse has their head high, they are not relaxed. Work on calming her, getting her attention on you and lightly playing with the reins until her head comes down. Remember to stop playing with the reins as soon as she puts her head (even a little) for a reward. While you are doing this, apply some leg pressure to encourage to bring her hind end under her. Just remember, nothing will happen over night. It takes years to make a great horse and it could take months of hard work at getting her to relax and be great in each gait.

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