
My Arowana fish doesnt eat that much...what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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Well...i have 3 fishes..

one of the is a black arowana and i have been feeding it crickets for the past few weeks and since the pet shops stopped selling them. i've been trying to feed him/her prawn and little fishes..but he/she doesn't even touch it...

And im just wondering...Why?




  1. Ok try this vary his or her diet. Try feeding it freeze dried bloodworms or try raising mosquito larvae, Here is th link on how to raise them...

  2. I have been "RAISING" Arowana probably much longer then most any that answer on here, and to say an Arowana should realize they should eat other fish is outright moronic and idiotic.  Arowana do NOT eat other fish as a natural part of it's diet, and people that answer your question indicating anything like that really have no business touching the question at all.

    Crickets are an excellent choice for Arowana, this is something they would normally eat.  You can also try mealworms, bloodworms, grasshoppers, and smaller beetles if you can find them and get them to float.  If you are having problems with getting crickets, you can use krill, freeze dried shrimp.  It just takes a few days to a week to get an Arowana to accept a new diet is all.  They are known throughout the hobby as very picky eaters.  Do not worry if it takes a week or so.  Continue to offer the new food, and gradually they will accept it.

    Please under no circumstances, offer live fish to your Arowana.  Eating feeder fish is a sure fire way to either have it catch a very nasty pathogen and cause it to die, or develop droop  eye.  Droop eye in Arowana develop over time due to an Arowana will stop looking upwards for it's food source as it naturally would, and look down in the tank. The increased protein diet of feeder fish then causes the eye muscles to develop in a downward pattern and you cannot fix this short of surgery.

  3. Could be that he's just grown used to crickets. I once knew of an arowana who got used to a particular food; think it was krill or something like that in his case.

    Anyway, just try different stuff till he likes something that's easier to get hold of; maybe bloodworm would work :)

  4. he may not realize he is suspose to eat them try feeding him some night crawlers he should take them from your fingers  

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