
My Ascendant sign is in Libra, what exactly does this mean? (Includes complete chart)?

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So I have my full reading and here it is:

Sun and Node -- Aquarius (technically, yet I was born on the cusp)

Moon and Mars -- Sagittarius

Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune -- Capricorn (not to mention Sun for the cusp)

Jupiter, Chiron and Midheaven -- Cancer

Pluto -- Scorpio

and Ascendant in Libra of course.

I want to know what each of them means yet I will be happy with an answer for my Libra Ascendant. Is this why Libra are always attracted to me some way or another? Does any of these signs explain why 1/3 of my closest friends are Cancer and the other 1/3 Leo?

I know more or less what my sun and moon sign mean, yet I have no clue what all the other signs mean especially what it means to have six signs under Capricorn. Thanks for any help! Its greatly appreciated.




  1. Libra Asc lends a charming, easy-going character to the personality. These people dislike conflict and are avid keepers of the peace. They are well dressed , prim,  and hygienic, often with a liking for fine clothing. They have excellent manners and shun those who do not display the same. They dislike conflict and seek harmony in their personal relationships.

    More than 3 planets in any one sign signifies that there is a stellium in the chart. A stellium denotes an emphasis on the given sign and that the person mentioned will display many traits of the sign involved in the given area of life where it appears in the chart. A stellium in Capricorn lends  a business-like, practical approach to the affairs where it appears. If it is in the 4th house this person is responsible and reliable in domestic affairs. The house is well-organized and well  kept.


    Sun in the fourth gives a desire to dominate the domestic scene. The father may have been this way as well. Family is very important and there is a love of the homeland. Business may be carried on from home.


    Mercury here signifies that a lot of learning went on in the home in the younger life and the parents were well-educated. People with this placement often take many short journeys, usually in relation to work and often enjoy reading; having a large library at home.


    Venus gives a love of a beautiful home. The house is always well decorated and this person seeks harmony in the home life. The tastes are gourment and lovers/social/business contacts may be met through family .


    Saturn here denotes that the father was very disciplined and reliable, unless afflicted, in which case he'd be the opposite and a burden. He may have given you reponsibilities early in life and encouraged you to be practical.


    Uranus signifies that one or both of the parents may have been unusual in some manner. Many changes of residence are likely and occult activities may be carried on in the home. One or both parents may have been away form home a lot on business.


    Neptune gives this person an idealistic, perhaps rosy, way of looking at their childhood and domestic matters. Sometimes there may be impractical ideas of how family should be. There may be a desire to live by the water.


    Jupiter in the 10th gives this person a way with the public. Work may particularly involve publishing, writing, travel, religious work, law etc.


    Pluto in the 2nd house gives a strong ambition to improve the earning ability. This person can be rather ambitous, but is more likely to have a desire to build up their own business. They make good managers and have excellent business sense.

    Libras are probably attracted to the steady Capricornian influence in your chart, as they feel here something that can ground them.

    Leo/Cancer on the 11th house cusp would explain the prominence of  friends with this Sun sign.11th house is the house of friends.

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