
My Atheist friend now believes in God? ?

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She went to a camp for 3 days. She didn't know it was about preaching this God person. When she came out she told me she believes in God now. I even see her pray! What the heck. Very weird seeing her do that. I personally don't think there is a God maybe there is but I don't think so. Anything to me can be explained by science. I am open to all religions though and to all beliefs. I like to learn new things. So power to you on whatever you believe in!

I am just wondering what they did in the camp that my friend believe in God now. She gets me to pray with her. It's like they hypnotised her. What do you think they did? Has this happened to anyone?




  1. She is a victim of intense brainwashing that was drilled into her at that despicable camp.

    Give her some time.  If she is intelligent she will get well again.

  2. Sounds like programming to me.  What age?

  3. WOW, They have the indoc down to 3 days now. SCARY

  4. Jesus camps are notorious for conditioning and brainwashing, you only have to watch the documentary "Jesus Camp" to see exactly what I mean. There is a lot of subtle conditioning that goes on the whole time in the camp and it disturbs me greatly that children and others are subjected to what would be termed as brainwashing if it was done by Islamic fundamentalists.

  5. Anyone who can have their mind changed the quick has ether been brain raped or didn't have much grey matter to start with.

    You religious freaks need to leave people alone.

  6. ...I laughed reading this.

    Theism - 256 : Atheism - 234

    Now to get serious...

    I was atheist too before I "converted", but I made my own belief and I'm not a member of any religion, for me, it's better (maybe I could even say easier) to be a theist.

    I don't know what they did, but brainwashing is possible!

    Try talking to her about what they did in that camp.

    And what religion did she convert to anyway?

  7. Speaking from personal experience, a lot of groups like that geared toward teenagers do sort of a "love bomb" thing in which everyone showers you with love and attention, then says that's what believing in God is like and that's what a Christian community is like.  I've also seen how fast the group can turn on someone who doesn't go along with them, so she must have done what they wanted fairly quickly.

    They also tell you that normal adolescent angst is a God-shaped hole in your soul and that you can get rid of it by letting God into your heart.  It works, at least temporarily, because you're high on the endorphins that come with everyone praising you for your new faith and giving you a temporary degree of acceptance that you don't get in real life.

    I participated in a few of those phony displays when I was in thrall to a charismatic youth group.  They're about as deep as a rain puddle, and every bit as long-lasting, but I couldn't see that at the time.

  8. they made her see how stupid it is to believe that all this just happened by chance.

    by being atheist and going on the internet and talking bad about God and saying there is no God then can't you see that they are helping to fulfill the very book that they don't believe in and make fun of?? don't it tell you in the bible that you will be laughed at and scorned if you do believe.

    doesn't the bible also say that as it gets closer to the end that hurricanes and earthquakes will be more and more frequent and aren't they coming almost back to back now.

  9. Religions are very effective at indoctrination. How else could they get millions of people to believe in the most absurd nonsense imaginable?

  10. Christians often convert others by guilt-tripping them, threatening them with hellfires, promising the reward of heaven, or promising that life itself will suddenly become better or easier.  None of these are good reasons to follow a religion.  (I do follow Christianity but I abhor these common conversion tactics.)

    But it would be inappropriate for you to try to convince your friend to switch back.  After all, they are her beliefs to choose to hold.  Question her about her new beliefs, though.  You will be able to tell whether guilt, threats, or promises are the core of her new beliefs by how she presents them to you.

  11. It happens from time to time.

    (won't do her any good though)

  12. Was it a Jesus camp?

  13. Even Science has its limits and is not inerrant.  The good thing about the Scientific Method is that hypothesis can be checked and experiments can be duplicated.  Science also allows for the data to change with further discovery.  Religion does not allow and updates to include more recent concepts and discovery.  Ultimately though there is not much we can say that we know with absolute certainty.  But if you feel the need to believe one way or the other, one clearly stands out as a more credible source.

  14. YAY!!!!

    My partiality ends here.

    Just be happy for her, if you don't want to pray then tell her but I'm sure that she likes that you do, and even if you don't I'm sure she''ll be your friend anyway so just support her and I hope you tw0 stay friends no matter your differences. Sounds like you two have a close friendship.

  15. It's probably best to bring a healthy dose of skepticism to a revival, or anything else for that matter.

  16. Wonderful on here. Any embarrassing conversions? Oh well, he/she must have been "indoctrinated" (i.e. persuaded to a point of view I don't agree with).

  17. She probably cracked during the Holy Waterboarding ceremony.

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