
My Aunt just passed away tonight and I dreamt this was going to happen. But I also dreamt?

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That my Uncle would die right after her. It was like he gave up on life because she wasn't there. I told my self that these were just silly dreams, as there was nothing going on that should cause concern. But now she is gone. So my obvious fear is that the rest of my dream will come true and my Uncle will pass away too. I feel like there is something I should do to keep my Uncle safe, but I don't know what it is? Does anyone know? A suggestion or answer of any kind. My stomach is torn with fear of not being able to help him.




  1. It might just be sheer coincidence. I know of a lot of people who have dreams about things they are stressed about, like school or a date, even a concert or a book they want to read. If you're really concerned, though, try talking to your Uncle. Tell him that people are there to listen if he wants to talk and that's never going to be alone.

  2. Someone in Heaven sent you this message........Please let your uncle know....She was not one ever dies alone....Her angels were there waiting to help her.....and her guide...There is only one time in life we are ever alone....and that is the moment we are born......our whole life we have those from Heaven to always be with us.....In a blink of an eye....she was in Heaven.......All of her family and friends that went to Heaven before her was there waiting on her.......and if she had any pets any time in her life....they would be the first one to run and greet her......Some people will say I'm going to a party `......That's usually the first thing said just before to leave to go on through journey to be in Heaven....Let him know......she can still see and hear him.....He can talk to her any time he wants too.....Heaven isn't that far away......Be there for him.......don't let him be alone at night....If you are there... watch for signs from her......She will do things around the home let him know...she is still there for him

    I've been before...but it wasn't my time to stay


  3. It could have been a coincidence that your dream (or nightmare) became true, it might sound cruel to say it, buy there's not much you can do to keep your uncle from dying , we all have to die some day. but what you can control is the fact that you can spend more time with your uncle now that he's alive, and appreciate him for who he is, better enjoy our loved ones' company while they're alive, than regret not having been able to spend time with them after they leave this world.

  4. That could happen but also there is a spiritual death. Meaning that we die to sin when we except the Lord Jesus into our heart. Maybe her death is what will lead him to Christ.

    Just go to your Uncle and give him a big hug and tell him how much you love him.

  5. the best thing to do is to comunicate with your uncle. tell him that his dead wife would have wanted him to continue with his life because life always goes on....

    life is a temporary state

    that is very quickly cured

    when we meet our fate

  6. First off, I am sorry to hear about your loss. Secondly, even if your uncle did pass and you have had premonitions (or just freakishly coincidental) of this whole entire thing, please keep in mind that YOU, as a person who is AWAKE and AWARE, is much more powerful. You are the one to control the outcome of how you will let this affect you. I also had really bad dreams that ended up happening and to tell you the truth, I let it take over my "real world", ended up needing therapy for THREE YEARS.

    So please do all you can in the real world to stay happy and keep the good memories of your relatives around, rather than letting it bring you down and full of worry about the future. Life is too short to worry all the time.

    Yes death is real, yes it makes people feel horrible. But really think about it, do you believe they would want you to feel so bad over something that happens naturally to everyone? Nobody really knows what happens when we die. Most fear of death is based just on that, that we don't know what's going to happen to ourselves and the people we love. But this should make it so that when we ARE alive, every moment is much more important and worth seeking out happiness instead of worrying.

  7. sorry about your ant, when one partner dies,  the other partner some times follows, usually because of a broken heart. the person looses the will to live. some times you cant stop whats going to happen. it is heart breaking, but your dream is just letting you now as to what is going to happen, if you see your uncle die as well , the best you can do is spend as much time with him, and making best of what time he may have left.

    when its our time to go , unfortunately there is nothing we can do, but as i said , just make the best of the time he has left. make it count, he would appreciate your concern greatly.

    good luck and i hope this answer helps you.

    take care  

  8. Sorry to hear about your aunt.  Sound es like they are a couple that found a great love.  

    I have had premonitions all of my life also.  Some are very scary and some are great.  I found that praying and letting God take the trouble has helped me greatly.

    We want to help and not see anyone suffer but it is their growing process.

  9. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    Was your aunt old or sick, and were you expecting her to die?

    Has your family been discussing the fact that if your aunt died, her husband would give up his will to live?

    If these things have been on your mind, it could have promoted your dream.

    Either way, the dream is certainly a prompt or reminder to pray for your uncle.  Also, send him card, give him a call, visit him, or whatever seems good and natural for you to do for him to show you love and support.  Mention this to other loving family members as well, so they will be reminded to pray for him and support him also!

    Even if his time to die comes soon, he will know he is loved by his family.  

    God bless you,


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