
My BF told me he got blacked out twice and he doesn't remember anything, should I forgive him? ?

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He told me he got blacked out twice, 1st time was a while ago and both time he didn't remember anything, all he remember was some girl was flirting with him both times (different girls). Both was at his friend's place and they all knew he has a girlfriend.

I know he's telling me the truth that he doesn't remember what happened, I am just mad that he allowed it to happen for the 2nd time.

What should I do? Since he doesn't remember what he did, there can be a possibility he could have cheated on me (probably didn't have s*x with the girl since they were at his friend's place, maybe kissing making out..etc)

GIRLS, I need your advices, what would you do!? Or guys, is this an excuse you guys always use!?!

He promised me that he will never allow this to happen again b/c he loves me very much so, what do i do? help please




  1. i am blacking out all the time...a full thrity min and just fly by and its like i time warped or something..i dont remember a thing about what happened. i wouldnt call it an excuse.  

  2. Seems convenient he puts himself in a situation knowing of this "condition" he has.  This guy is full of c**p... blacking out... even if he does have some sort of a medical condition or reaction to alcohol that causes these blackouts, he knew full well what he was doing when he was getting into the situation that led up to the girls flirting with him.  

    Take it how you want, but if I was asked for your next course of action... I would black out and dump him.  

  3. If the girl was flirting with him then chances are they messed around (how far they went I dont know) but there is no excuse for his behavior.....AT ALL. and no women should ever put up with that. What I would do is talk to him and say "I love you, but its making me hard to trust you especially when you don't remember what happened...imagine yourself in my shoes, what would you do?" If he gets defensive or mad then I think its safe to assume that he knows something and isnt telling you. If he is understanding give him another chance but make it clear that you will end the relationship if this keeps happening. You deserve a guy that won't do this to you. Good Luck

  4. If he blacks out and doesn't remember things, he has a medical condition. He should see a doctor.

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