
My BIL's girlfriend is obviously pregnant, but must be in denial? Hasn't even seen a doctor?

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My BIL's girlfriend is huge. I thought she was preggo in June at my kids B-Day party and asked my MIL when she was due. MIL told me, oh she's not pregnant she's just fat from sitting around all day. I was blown away and pointed out how round her stomach was and she hadn't gained a pound of weight anywhere else but she wouldn't listen. Now, I hear that she admitted to my SIL who she lives with her that she's 90% sure she's pregnant and she stopped by my house today while I was at work and my husband says she's HUGE. She's got to be 7-8 months along?!?! If not further?! My instincts are screaming to call her or my SIL and ask if she's made an appointment but we don't talk much and it would feel awkward. What should I do? What would you do? Please help!




  1. If I were you I would go to your BIL and explain to him the importance of this and of prenatal care. Have him demand a pregnancy test. That way it doesn't fall back on you since you don't talk to her much.

    But no joke, no exageration a friend of mine's sister was in such denial she didn't "know" she was pregnant until she was in labor. She had slight bleeding through the whole pregnancy and so she went to the ER with stomach pain one day and they asked her when her last period was, and she said a few weeks prior, but when they did a pelvic they discovered she was dialated to 6!!!!! She obviously didn't have anything for a baby and it was crazy was crazy and hectic so I really hope for her sake that you can get her in there!!!

  2. Wow-That IS denial. I would definitely call and encourage her to see her doctor. Good Luck!

  3. I was in the EXACT situation a couple years ago! What I did was made matters worse with my big mouth.

    She just trapped my BIL into marring him because she is a loser. He found out when the baby was two that he wasn't even the dad!

    So good luck with that and try to stay out of it I know its hard.

  4. First i would try and make her go see the doctor, its already to far along w/out her getting neonatal care. The baby now is the most important person in this situation right now. The baby needs all the right care including your bils gf. You should try and get her to see a dr. tell her you will go with her for support. Tell her to tell her bf husband whateva that she might be pregnant and thinks they should go to the dr. She needs to see if everything is ok with her pregnancy,. If her bf is in denial maybe someone should go to the dr . get the results, see whats going on first then tell him whats going on.

  5. My SIL was the same way.  She 'Didn't Know' she was pregnant until she was 7 months with her first.  She HAD to have felt it kicking ((she was slightly over weight)) not to mention not having a period for 7 months.  You should really talk to your SIL and see if she has taken a pregnancy test.  Tell her you can always tell when someone close to you is pregnant and suggest you think she may be?  Im not sure.

  6. I don't really have an answer but this is totally weird and sad that she's not even admitting that she's preg. Maybe your BIL and her decided to not keep it so they don't want to make a big deal about it? I don't really know the situation but yikes

  7. Omg! Drag her to the doctor!

    Even if you don't talk much just tell her be like girl you have GOT to go.. the worst thing that will happen is she will be offended, but who cares? If she is pregnant it's what's best for her!

  8. I knew i was pregnant for about 7 1/2 months before i would admit it as i was ashamed for my own personal reasons, but maybe if you could sit her down and talk to her as i'm sure she'll need to be booked in to a hospital so she can give birth, and you can,t get booked in if you havn,t had any midwifery care, so it,s in the interest of her and the baby to get seen asap, and not only that but she could have complications that havn,t been detected, eg/ baby could be breech or the placenta could be lying across the birth canal.

    Sorry if i sound negative, but these are just a number of things that are checked for at your appointments with the midwife,

    hope that helps

  9. i understand your concern, i for one am disgusted by people who choose not to get prenatal care, BUT this is HER baby and HER body. there is NOTHING that you can do about her being pregnant and not getting prenatal care

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