
My BIL and SIL are due with their first baby and for the shower gift I want to gift them something helpful?

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I was thinking I would make up some coupons of things I can do for them after the baby is born, like make dinner one night, or some grocery shopping, clean, etc. any other coupon ideas??




  1. I think the coupons are a fantastic idea!    Making dinners they can freeze is a good idea, or letting her know that every Monday for a month you will bring over something she just needs to warm up is good, as someone else said by the time you realise you need a meal it can be too late!   Offer to come over and help her out while she is home - lots of people will offer to babysit but lots of new moms are hesitant about leaving their baby with anyone (no matter who) those first few weeks.  Instead, while the baby is asleep you can go over and she can take a bath, nap, etc.  You could offer to pop over and take away a few loads of laundry and return it washed, dryed and folded in a couple of hours (it's unbelievable how much laundry one little baby has), or tell her you'll come over every Saturday to do her housecleaning.  

    Personally I am really against buying diapers for a baby gift - and from the number of people that suggested it, it sounds like she will be getting enough diapers anyway!  (Would you buy toilet paper for your mother for Christmas?!)  

  2. I would have loved for someone to come and cook, clean and maybe take care of the baby for an hour so I could nap. None of that ever happened but it would have been nice!

  3. The coupon idea is really sweet, but maybe unless money is a huge issue, you could buy them something they really want off of their registry and maybe give them a card with a written promise to have their kitchen pantry filled when they get home with the baby and to provide a couple meals for them or something like that?

    These are some things people did for us when we had our first baby that we really appreciated, maybe you can get some ideas?

    I know when I had my first baby, my aunt-in-law, brought us a ton of groceries, a great meal(even a bottle of wine) and grandparents-in-law gave us a meal and grocery store gift cards, and my own mother cleaned our house top to bottom and left us several cans of the formula we were using on our counter to find when we came home.  Another gift we loved was a friend gave us a gift certificate to our a favorite take out only pizza place and a video store so we could have an at home date night with our baby so we didn't have to feel guilty leaving her with a sitter.  My Mother-in-law also came over the day we got home and stocked our fridge and cabinets with snacks and drinks we could have for all the guests during those first weeks at home when everyone wanted to visit the new baby.  All these things were so much appreciated by us, the new parents, it was great!

  4. Babysitting

    Renting DVD.....etc

    I think it is really cute what you are doing and i think they will absolutely love it

  5. Okay, one of the most helpful things you can do is to prep meals and then freeze them.  For instance, make up a meatloaf, but don't cook it.  Just get it all mixed up, put it in a ziploc bag (flatten it out so it defrosts quicker), write the cooking directions on it, and then freeze it.  You can also do this with stew, casseroles, etc.  

    Then all the mom has to do is take it out and toss it in the oven, and she's got a home-cooked meal and the house smells like she's been cooking all day.  

    The coupons are a nice thought for dinner, but the truth is, new moms usually aren't thinking that much in advance.  By the time they realize they need to use the coupon, they're starving and you still have to go to the store, prep the meal, etc.  

    If you just freeze the meals, they just have to pull it out of the fridge, or if it's frozen, toss the bag into some water (to defrost it quickly) and then toss it in the oven.  No planning involved!

    In addition to that, maybe get some nursing pads, and a pretty water bottle (to remind her to drink enough water).  Try to stay away from the really cute outfits, they are usually impractical for a tiny baby.

  6. *Baby clothes- Babies need clothes to keep them warm and comfy, and to protect their little bodies. You can get undershirts, onesies, jumpsuits, hats, socks, baby dresses, sleepers, pyjamas and a receiving blanket. Make sure you get hypoallergenic products so the child would be safe from skin irritations.

    * Baby grooming, bath and health products- These can help clean and take care of the baby’s body. Grooming, bath and health products can include baby shampoo, lotion, baby wash, baby wipes, baby soap, nail file, scissors, baby thermometer, safety pins and first aid kit. A baby basin can also be a good baby shower gift.

    * Baby feeding time necessities- Items that can help feed babies are always great gift choices. Baby bottles, baby formula, bottle holders, nipples, breast pump, bibs, feeding spoon, baby dishes, tipper cup and burp towels are great choices you can get.

    * Baby toys- These can come in different kinds. Some toys can help the child learn, while others are only made solely for entertainment. Examples of baby toys include teething toys, play mats, musical toys, mobile, teething toys and stuffed animals.

  7. Diapers! Diapers! than Formula if she not breast feeding. strollers. crib. bassinet. more Diapers

  8. Diapers....go for size one or two though. they aren't in newborn for very long, if at all. Don't forget Mylicon drops, baby tylenol, and if she's nursing there is something called The Peanut Shell which is the most amazing nursing cover ever. You could also give them the certificates, they will come in handy. Clothing is good too, or certificates to clothing stores. Other helpful items...The Diaper Champ (pail that uses regular trash bags), The Bumbo baby seat....

    Tip: Try to stick to the is there for a reason. Anything you buy from there would be helpful to them because its what they want in the first place. It stinks when you take the time to make a registry and put items in there that you need and people just ignore it.  

  9. DInner is a great idea.

    Honestly, after having my fourth 7 weeks ago and caring for two toddlers (not to neglect mention of my older kids- but the little ones require the most constant energy), I almost enjoy the grocery shopping (excuse to get out when everyone says 'you have to rest and stay inside) and keeping in contact with the world! But by dinnertime, I'm depleted, and some days just getting a healthy dinner- let alone what my husband and other children have become accustomed to- on the table is a real challenge.

    Stuff that coupon book with dinner offers!

    And yes, babysitting would be lovely.

    As would cleaning, and laundry. (definitely laundry!)

    You're a lovely SIL, I wish I had one like you close by!

  10. The most helpful things are:




    Give them a babysitting coupon from you to babysit whenever.

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