
My Baby Bearded Dragon is scared to death of me. Why?

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I got a baby bearded dragon exactly one week ago and he has been scared to death of me since i brought him home. When I try to pick him up he runs like crazy and wont even let me touch him. And when he stops running he takes deep breaths like he is hyperventilating! He wont even let me pet him without running like crazy. I cant imagine that after a week, he still wont even let me PET him. Any information would be greatly appreciated!




  1. Try hand feeding him a small mealworm so he knows your not going to harm him

  2. he just have to get use to you ...dont worry

  3. Handle him as much as possible, just hold him and pet him. He will learn to "put up" with you. and eventually he will let you pick him up w/e.

  4. Maybe if  ur close to him but not that close and if you don't look at him and dont speak he might come out from hiding maybe go on your lap wen i had a cat named oliver he would be so afraid of me but that helped ps the cat oliver wasnt mine it was my frends anyway see if that helps maybe wen u say u can only pet him if u run maybe he likes to play he or she is maybe still new to a diffrent home.

  5. It doesn't sound like anything too abnormal. If your dragon is young, then that's common b/c you have a young dragon who you've also only had for a week. As they get older and you spend more time around it and handling it, the dragon will calm down. just make sure to gently pick it up. Once it gets in your hand, it should stay there. Some baby dragons will be very ancy and attempt to climb or jump everywhere but no worries on that as well. So it's just some normal behavior.  

  6. stress. have you fed him yet? let him get comfortable in the new surrounding. after that, slowly -- i mean your hand-- move it slowly to pick him up, and keep handling him. eventually he'll calm down. remeber-- they like to sleep. maybe you're just grabbing him at the wrong time. wait til he's awake. oh-- and google some care sheets, they can be most helpful. the more you research your beardie, or any other pet--the more you'll understand their habits, and habitats,

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