
My Ball Python is always rubbing on the glass of her cage?

by  |  earlier

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she has not shed in the time i have had her




  1. probably shedding

  2. Does it do it mostly when in shed? If so you may want to add a few different textured pieces to the tank. Also the tank could be too small.

  3. check the snake and see if it has mites.  if it is mites you can email me and i will tell you how i have gotten rid of mites in the

    mites are little tiny black specks...they are kind of hart to find.  there is a little "fold" under the chin that is a great place to look for mites...gently put your fingernail in the "fold" if you see any black specks its probably mites.  also gently pull up the scales on your snakes belly sometimes mites go in there.  if you still arent sure take a plastic box...a solid white one big enough to fit your snake in there comfortably and put lukewarm (about 80 F) enough water to cover the back of your snake.  leave the snake in the water for about 10 the snake constantally accidents can happen...when you take the snake out look for little black specks on the bottom of the container.  hoepfully its not mites but if it is let me know and i will tell you what i did...its not that bad getting rid of them its just a bit of a pain in the butt.

    good luck!

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